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The LTT Build-Off Thread! (No Building Required)

Welcome to the LTT Build-Off Thread!

Your goal is to build a part list of the best PC for each challenge (using PCPartPicker), while staying under budget.
Please DO NOT post your entries in this thread. They should go in their respective contest threads.

Current Challenge: Contest 62--[Coming Soon!]

1. There will be a new build-off every two weeks, with one week for submissions and one for voting.
2. You may only submit one build per person per contest.
3. All prices will be checked using www.pcpartpicker.com, so please assemble your part list using that website.
4. The US version of the website should be used in order to standardize the prices, so please don't try to use other currencies (you can change your "nationality" in the upper right-hand dropdown box).
5. Once you have a part list, click the "Export/Markup" button in the top right hand corner and choose "BBCode". Copy and paste the text into your forum post and it should automatically format itself, add links, etc.
6. Although it is not necessary, you are encouraged to defend your choices/give reasons for your parts. This is the only way that we would know if you are running RAID, etc.
7. Feel free to edit/update your parts list, but please refrain from doing so once voting has started.
8. Custom watercooling is allowed, but make sure that it is feasible. Putting 3 external rads in a Mini-Itx build will not get you many votes.
9. Custom parts (not listed on PCPartPicker) are allowed, as well as mods. Mods are only allowed if they are purchasable (such as this custom Bitfenix Prodigy). Just because you can add a side panel window in real life doesn't mean everyone can. Everyone wants an even playing field :)
10. Peripherals are required on a case-by-case basis (meaning some contests will require them and some will not). There are three peripheral categories: Display, Input (KB+M), and Audio (speakers/headphones).
11. An OS is usually not necessary. In the rare case that you should factor it into the price, it will be made clear in the OP.
12. You must stay under budget. If anyone is allowed to go even one cent over budget, it really raises the budget for everyone. However, once you submit your build, it doesn't matter if the price of the parts skyrockets or drops.
13. If you would like to put glamour pics, performance graphs, or other large media in your post, please put them in a spoiler to cut down on the size of the page.
14. A maximum of 20 total entries will be allowed in each contest in order to make voting easier and avoid "heats" or runoff voting.

1. On Friday evening (EST) I will edit a poll into the thread with all of the submitted builds as of that moment. If you don't post your entry by then, I won't add it to the poll and you can't enter that week.
2. Please do not vote for yourself (votes are public and you will be disqualified if you do). If you are caught making fake accounts in order to get extra votes you will be banned from participating in the future.
3. You may vote for other entrants, but as this hurts your chances of winning, it is obviously not required.
4. The person with the most votes on Friday morning will be the winner of that week's contest.
5. If there is a tie @ilikemacandpc, @dragoon20005, @terrytek, and I will serve as tiebreakers.

Prizes: *Postponed Until April 2015*
@ddbtkd456 has generously offered to become the Prize Manager for the build-offs. If you win a contest, your username will be placed in the "Winners" section and he will contact you through PM with a code for a $10 Amazon gift card. Prizes will be awarded on the 1st of each month following the contests.

Winners and Past Contests:

Week 1--[Best PC for an Immersive Gaming Experience](@LonliestofAll)
Week 2/3--[A Powerful Small Form Factor Machine](@WoodenMarker)
Week 4--[The Next-Gen Console Killer](@tk421)
Week 5--[An Awesome Orange and Red Build](@Terminashunator)
Week 6--[Price/Performance Build](@WoodenMarker)
Week 7--[Best Video Editing Workstation](A tie between @chromeboy42 and @WoodenMarker)
Week 8--[Cooler Master + Gigabyte](@lachyman)
Week 9/10--[Green and Grey Monster](@WoodenMarker)
Week 11--[Corsair + Asus](A tie between @Kiwiandapple and @WoodenMarker)
Week 12--[Dedicated Game Server Host](@Blackterror25)
Week 13--[Linus' Ideal Rig](@CoolBeans)
Week 14--[All-in-One Box](@lachyman)
Week 15--[Office PC](@WoodenMarker)
Week 16--[Rugged Rig](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 17--[Digital Audio Workstation](A tie between @megadarkwood, @ilikemacandpc, and @WoodenMarker)
Week 18--[Eco-Friendly Build](@lachyman)
Week 19/20--[The Red Star](@CoolBeans)
Week 21--[Black and White Build](@CoolBeans)
Week 22/23--[Shhh](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 24/25--[The LTT Honey Badger](@Grave)
Week 26--[Crazy Color](@gir0ba)
Week 27--[Hackintosh Pro](@ciprian97pop)
Week 28--[Black Stealth Build](@ciprian97pop)
Week 29--[Golden Dragon](@Kiwiandapple)
Week 30--[Pico Power](A tie between @f22luke and @)
Week 31--[NZXT + MSI](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 32--[Fractal Design + Asrock + Adata](@Max Money AWA)
Week 33/34--[Low-End Mantle Machine](@TheNinjaNextDor)
Week 35--[EVGA + Razer](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 36--[Bitfenix + XFX](A tie between @ and @Marnsto)
Week 37--[Poor Man's Build](@)
Week 38--[Corsair Rig Refresh](a tie between @FlamingDefibs and @ilikemacandpc)
Week 39--[Xigmatek + Gigabyte + Crucial](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 40--[4K for 4K](@dragoon20005)
Week 41--[Bang/Buck Refresh](@ilikemacandpc)
Week 42--[Stable and Silent](A tie between @ilikemacandpc and @bbqsauce)
Week 43--[MSI + Thermaltake + GSkill](@i_build_nanosuits)
Week 44--[APU Build](@MEC-777)
Week 45/46--[Gaming Heaven](A tie between @Enderman, @brob, and @MEC-777)
Week 47/48--[FPS Is Just a Number...a High Number](@CoolBeans)
Week 49--[Black, Blue, and Purple](a tie between @Izaya Orihara, @wng_kingsley7, and @SirBobson)
Week 50--[Red, White, and Blue](@Cacao)
Week 51--[Area 51](@TheSLSAMG)
Contest 52--[Upgrade Path Part 1](@TopplesS)
Contest 53--[Upgrade Path Part 2](@MEC-777)
Contest 54--[X99 Workstation (High-End Build)](@CowsGoRoar)
Contest 55--[Music Creation (Mid-Range Build)](@Enderman)
Contest 56--[Budget Build (Low-End Build)](@WhiteJaguar77)
Contest 57--[G-Sync & GeForce (High-End Build)](@AliveGhost13)
Contest 58--[Beat the Prebuilt (Alienware Area 51 Edition)](@Rhotis)
Contest 59--[FX Final Fantasy](@NumLock21)

Contest 60--[Valentine's Day Challenge](@KoolKaboom)

Contest 61--[Scrapyard Wars: Upgrade Edition](@terdel ninja)

If you have any questions or suggestions, please post them here.
Follow/Subscribe to this thread, and you'll get notified every time a new contest or voting goes live.

Slick gave the Build-Offs a shout-out on the Sept. 6, 2013 WAN Show. How did you find out about the build-offs? Let us know down below.

Suggested Themes:

#62--Hackintosh Pro Redux
#63--Beat the Prebuilt (Steam Machine Edition) //specific Steambox TBD
#64--OcRift (http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/307503-build-off-contest-60-valentines-machine/?p=4219098)

The Build-Offs were originally started by "johnwaskins" on the PCPartPicker forum. He created two of them, one of which I entered. He stopped running them, and a little while later I joined the LTT forum. I decided to bring his idea here and set up a bigger contest, and so far it has been great :).
In order that the Build-Offs run smoothly, @terrytek, @dragoon20005, and @ilikemacandpc are also creating and moderating the contests. @ddbtkd456 has also generously volunteered to be the Prize Manager. A big thank you to all of them for keeping this running!

To many more build-offs! Edited by CornOnJacob

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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I like this. :) 

CPU: i5 -2400 Cooler: Noctua NH-L12 Mobo: Fatal1ty Z68 Pro Gen3 Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8gb 1600mhz SSD: Samsung 840 120gb HDD: WD 3TB Green, Seagate Barracuda 1TB GPU: Asus GTX 760 Direct CU II (future SLI) Sound card: Xonar Phoebus PSU: Corsair RM series 750 watts Case: Aerocool Mechatron Fans: Bit Fenix Spectre Pros
Monitor:Samsung SyncMaster SA950, Philips Blade 234CLSpeakers: Logitech z506 Headset: Razer Tiamat 7.1 KB: Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth edition Mouse: Ouroburos Mouse pad: Golaithus Extended Speed edition Gamepad: Orbweaver Controllers: Wireless Xbox 360 Controller, Razer Hydra 
System: Razer Edge Mouse: Razer Orochi Mouse pad: Razer Vespula Controlers: Razer Sabertooth (2 pcs.) Headset: Razer Blackshark Speakers: Razer Ferox What can I say, I'm a huge fan of Razer.  :D
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going through with this huh? :P

You betcha  :)

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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If you ever need help with a build, read the following before posting: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/3061-build-plan-thread-recommendations-please-read-before-posting/
Also, make sure to quote a post or tag a member when replying or else they won't get a notification that you replied to them.

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[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm/by_merchant/) / [benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm/benchmarks/)



**CPU** | [intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54670k) | $199.99 @ Microcenter

**CPU Cooler** | [Xigmatek Dark Knight II SD1283 Night Hawk Edition 89.5 CFM CPU Cooler](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xigmatek-cpu-cooler-darkknightiisd1283nighthawkedition) | $49.99 @ Newegg

**Motherboard** | [Asus MAXIMUS VI GENE Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-maximusvigene) | $209.99 @ Newegg

**Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmy8gx3m2a1600c9r) | $69.99 @ NCIX US

**Storage** | [samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz7td120bw) | $92.99 @ NCIX US

**Video Card** | [Asus GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-gtx780dc2oc3gd5) | $676.13 @ Newegg

**Case** | [Corsair 350D MicroATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-cc9011028ww) | $69.99 @ Newegg

**Power Supply** | [Corsair Builder 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cx500) | $29.99 @ Newegg

**Monitor** | [Asus VG23AH 23.0" Monitor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-monitor-vg23ah) | $177.58 @ Newegg

**Keyboard** | [Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid Wired Gaming Keyboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-keyboard-sgk4000gkcc1us) | $69.99 @ Amazon

**Mouse** | [Cooler Master SGM-2000-MLON1 Wired Optical Mouse](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-mouse-sgm2000mlon1) | $24.99 @ Newegg

| | **Total**

| Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $1671.62

| Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-07-12 15:06 EDT-0400 |

EDIT: Make note that the memory, motherboard, mouse, and video card are all red and black themed giving a very nice color scheme. I would also like to point out that even though a $10 mouse and keyboard combo would be good, the topic said "for Immersive Gaming" so I took the time to add gaming parts. Another key feature to consider is the 3D ready Full HD screen which again helps for immersion. If you don't like 3D then you can just enjoy a 120hz monitor. And as for the 4670k and 8gb RAM they are plenty for even the most intense games.

i9 25.6 GHz with NeuronThreading, 256gb 6000 MHz RAM, GTX 990 OC 3024MHz 12gb, Skeletal X99 motherboard, 1 Petabyte SSD, Fractal Design Humaniod R1 Case, Herbivore 10,000W PSU, Noctua NF16 LP Derma Cooler.

Probably the only Star Citizen player who is planning on a career in Journalism instead of piracy, mining, trading, exploration, military, station management, etc.

Generation 0: The first time you see this add 1 to the number and copy it into your sig. Consider it a social experiment.

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[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm) / [Price breakdown by merchant](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm/by_merchant/) / [benchmarks](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1fWYm/benchmarks/)



**CPU** | [intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54670k) | $199.99 @ Microcenter

**CPU Cooler** | [Xigmatek Dark Knight II SD1283 Night Hawk Edition 89.5 CFM CPU Cooler](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/xigmatek-cpu-cooler-darkknightiisd1283nighthawkedition) | $49.99 @ Newegg

**Motherboard** | [Asus MAXIMUS VI GENE Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-maximusvigene) | $209.99 @ Newegg

**Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance Pro 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-memory-cmy8gx3m2a1600c9r) | $69.99 @ NCIX US

**Storage** | [samsung 840 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz7td120bw) | $92.99 @ NCIX US

**Video Card** | [Asus GeForce GTX 780 3GB Video Card](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-video-card-gtx780dc2oc3gd5) | $676.13 @ Newegg

**Case** | [Corsair 350D MicroATX Mid Tower Case](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-case-cc9011028ww) | $69.99 @ Newegg

**Power Supply** | [Corsair Builder 500W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cx500) | $29.99 @ Newegg

**Monitor** | [Asus VG23AH 23.0" Monitor](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-monitor-vg23ah) | $177.58 @ Newegg

**Keyboard** | [Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid Wired Gaming Keyboard](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-keyboard-sgk4000gkcc1us) | $69.99 @ Amazon

**Mouse** | [Cooler Master SGM-2000-MLON1 Wired Optical Mouse](http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-mouse-sgm2000mlon1) | $24.99 @ Newegg

| | **Total**

| Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. | $1671.62

| Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-07-12 15:06 EDT-0400 |

EDIT: Make note that the memory, motherboard, mouse, and video card are all red and black themed giving a very nice color scheme. I would also like to point out that even though a $10 mouse and keyboard combo would be good, the topic said "for Immersive Gaming" so I took the time to add gaming parts. Another key feature to consider is the 3D ready Full HD screen which again helps for immersion. If you don't like 3D then you can just enjoy a 120hz monitor. And as for the 4670k and 8gb RAM they are plenty for even the most intense games.

Please post the part list in the thread for this week's contest. It isn't your fault, as I hadn't actually made that thread yet...oops. It is live now, however, and can be found here: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35303-build-off-week-1-immersive-gaming-pc/


Also, for some reason, the PCPartPicker/Reddit Markup does not format itself correctly, so use the BBCode Markup option instead.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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Do parts from Microcenter count? Many people don't have practical access to it.

Also, are speakers part of the peripherals recommended/required?

If you ever need help with a build, read the following before posting: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/3061-build-plan-thread-recommendations-please-read-before-posting/
Also, make sure to quote a post or tag a member when replying or else they won't get a notification that you replied to them.

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Do parts from Microcenter count? Many people don't have practical access to it.

Also, are speakers part of the peripherals recommended/required?

    Parts from Microcenter count because even though many are in-store pickup only, you don't need to be able to actually reach a store to use it for this contest. Everyone is on equal ground, so I think it should be fine.

    Speakers or a headset are part of the peripherals. Once again, there are very cheap options available, but you should have something.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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I like this. :)


going through with this huh? :P

Voting has started for week 1, if you guys are interested.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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Voting has started for week 1, if you guys are interested.

bit busy currently, but I'll surely look at this soon :)

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Interesting, too bad I missed the first one :(

15" MBP TB

AMD 5800X | Gigabyte Aorus Master | EVGA 2060 KO Ultra | Define 7 || Blade Server: Intel 3570k | GD65 | Corsair C70 | 13TB

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Please post the part list in the thread for this week's contest. It isn't your fault, as I hadn't actually made that thread yet...oops. It is live now, however, and can be found here: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35303-build-off-week-1-immersive-gaming-pc/


Also, for some reason, the PCPartPicker/Reddit Markup does not format itself correctly, so use the BBCode Markup option instead.

Because it's for reddit, and reddit has really weird formatting.

15" MBP TB

AMD 5800X | Gigabyte Aorus Master | EVGA 2060 KO Ultra | Define 7 || Blade Server: Intel 3570k | GD65 | Corsair C70 | 13TB

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Because it's for reddit, and reddit has really weird formatting.

On PCPartPicker, it formats itself into a nice neat table, but everywhere else it apparently doesn't work.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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On PCPartPicker, it formats itself into a nice neat table, but everywhere else it apparently doesn't work.

It's cause they format their pages differently. 

Like for reddit, if you want an empty line in between two paragraphs, you apparently need to press enter twice.


15" MBP TB

AMD 5800X | Gigabyte Aorus Master | EVGA 2060 KO Ultra | Define 7 || Blade Server: Intel 3570k | GD65 | Corsair C70 | 13TB

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Congrats to LonliestOfAll for winning Week 1!

Week 2 is now live and can be found here: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/37264-build-off-week-2-a-powerful-sff-rig/?p=478980

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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Does every build need a monitor? And mouse and keyboard?

15" MBP TB

AMD 5800X | Gigabyte Aorus Master | EVGA 2060 KO Ultra | Define 7 || Blade Server: Intel 3570k | GD65 | Corsair C70 | 13TB

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9. Peripherals count! Every component needs to be accounted for (but a Ducky Shine 2 and a gaming mouse with 20 buttons are not required. In some situations, a $10 Logitech mouse + keyboard combo will be fine).


Does every build need a monitor? And mouse and keyboard?

Yes, every build needs a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and sound system (whether that is headphones or speakers).

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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CPU:  Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($189.99 @ Microcenter) 

CPU Cooler:  Cooler Master Seidon 120M 86.2 CFM  Liquid CPU Cooler  ($29.99 @ Newegg) 

Motherboard:  MSI Z77IA-E53 Mini ITX  LGA1155 Motherboard  ($105.98 @ SuperBiiz) 

Storage:  Kingston HyperX 3K 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk  ($99.99 @ Amazon) 

Video Card:  PowerColor Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card  ($329.99 @ Newegg) 

Case:  BitFenix Prodigy (Black) Mini ITX Tower Case  ($59.99 @ Microcenter) 

Monitor:  Asus VH238H 23.0" Monitor  ($144.99 @ NCIX US) 

Keyboard:  Razer Arctosa Wired Standard Keyboard  ($40.23 @ Amazon) 

Mouse:  Gigabyte GM-M6900 Wired Optical Mouse  ($26.98 @ Newegg) 

Speakers:  Logitech Z313 25W 2.1ch Speakers  ($34.99 @ Amazon) 

Total: $1222.09

(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)

(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-07-19 13:52 EDT-0400)


Wrong Place-sorry

Edited by canadianultra

CPU: i5 4670k GPU: GTX 770 Mobo: Z87-UD3H RAM: 8Gb Ripjaws Case: Corsair 200R PSU: Corsair RM750

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    Voting is live for week two! You can vote today, the 24th, and the 25th. If you are interested in voting or participating in future contests, please follow this thread.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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Can't wait for the console killer. By the way is it Xbox 360/PS3 or Xbox One/PS4?

When I added that challenge, I had the XBox One/PS4 in mind. I can move it up in the queue if you're excited for it.

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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When I added that challenge, I had the XBox One/PS4 in mind. I can move it up in the queue if you're excited for it.

It would be nice if you did that :D

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Congrats to WoodenMarker for winning Week 2/3! The next contest, the Console Killer, can be found here: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/42082-build-off-week-4-the-console-killer/

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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The poll is up for Week 4! You can find the thread here: linustechtips.com/main/topic/42082-build-off-week-4-the-console-killer/

Let's get some votes going!

[spoiler=My Current PC]AMD FX-8320 @ 4.2 Ghz | Xigmatek Dark Knight Night Hawk II | Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 | 8GB Adata XPG V2 Silver 1600 Mhz RAM | Gigabyte 3X Windforce GTX 770 4GB @ 1.27 Ghz/7.25 Ghz | Rosewill Hive 550W Bronze PSU | Fractal Design Arc Midi R2 | Samsung Evo 250 GB SSD | Seagate Barracuda 1TB HDD | ASUS VS239H-P | Razer Deathadder 2013 Partlist


LTT Build-Off Thread: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/35226-the-ltt-build-off-thread-no-building-required/

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