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An easier way to change google search region rather than going each fucking time down to advanced search or other submenus?

random google dorks found on the net dont seem to work.
keeping one tab with the settings open, and then reloading the other tab, isn't applied to the other tab.


without mentioning, that for whatever fucking reason, if I am logged with my gmail account, sometimes it keeps setting my regional location

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I'm unsure what you are requesting. If you are always trying to use the same region and Google is getting it wrong then try using regional URLs e.g. google.co.uk vs google.com. Google will guess you region based on your IP on PC. These issues are common with VPNs which change IPs frequently and can have registration that is out of sync in some databases. If your server of choice is actually not located in your Google region of choice you will get constant prompts about it.


It's you are trying to use multiple Google services, each in a different region, then I would suggest running multiple instances of Firefox Portable (one for each region). You can then run a regionalized in browser VPN or proxy for each one.


If you don't actually need regionalized services but just a different language, that is a different setting that should be easier to make permanent.

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5 hours ago, DraconisMaximus said:

I'm unsure what you are requesting. If you are always trying to use the same region and Google is getting it wrong then try using regional URLs e.g. google.co.uk vs google.com. Google will guess you region based on your IP on PC. These issues are common with VPNs which change IPs frequently and can have registration that is out of sync in some databases. If your server of choice is actually not located in your Google region of choice you will get constant prompts about it.


It's you are trying to use multiple Google services, each in a different region, then I would suggest running multiple instances of Firefox Portable (one for each region). You can then run a regionalized in browser VPN or proxy for each one.


If you don't actually need regionalized services but just a different language, that is a different setting that should be easier to make permanent.

I want an easy, and faster way to change region rather, than going on each sub menu.


Why? because based on the regiion I do get different results

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Use the loc: operator. As an example, if you want to rent a car for a trip somewhere, you can enter car rental loc:"Australia" in the search bar and it should show relevant results.

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