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Hi team, sorry for posting about old tech.

But my Sony 3d tv glasses are dead, in that the only work if plugged in directly so the battery clearly is kaput. 


I know it's a rare/pointless thing to care about, but they cost 90 bucks new and I cannot guarantee their new old stock batteries aren't also dead.


I've hunted all over the web looking for help replacing the internal batteries, checked Sony's site for any info I can find, looked for service manuals, watched the entire content of 3d glasses videos on YouTube, just done everything I can to try get help on this.


It's like any internet content from 10 years ago is impossible to find these days. 

All the YT videos are just reviews of the models that are brand new which aren't of much use. 

Tried the way back machine and again only finding reviews of new units, very little in way of repair help etc.


Ifixit site refuses to accept their existence.


I just wanted to prevent more landfill from something that just needs a new battery. 😞


If anyone has even the slightest piece of useful info on how to fix these please can you let me know. I found a video on yt of someone in a language I don't recognize who briefly said something about batteries been replaced on newer models but not these, but the cc only translated so well. But it's just a battery surely?

The newer ones all have easy access cr2032 batteries I believe. These have an internal lithium one.


Hell I've even asked GPT to help in desperation haha. Got the same twaddle from it.


Model: Sony TDG BR250

They charge by USB mini port on right side near ears.

They light up green and work if the cable is plugged in and on at the wall.

If you remove the cable, nada. Light off no response from power button.

Never flashes to show charing etc.


Has only 2 screws I can find near the nose. Removed them and nothing happens it's clearly clamped together with tabs etc, but I can find no way to none destructively open them.


Would really appreciate your help please guys.


Thank you in advance.

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