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Ross Scott (Accursed Farms) launches a petition to UK Parliament to Stop Killing Games

Ross Scott has launched a petition to the UK Parliament to stop planned obsolescence and companies adding killswitches in games that they don't tell you when they will killswitch your games, where if it reaches 100k signatures, Parliament will have to consider it for a debate. Sign if you're a UK citizen or resident: Prohibit publishers irrevocably disabling video games they have already sold - Petitions


For those too cynical to think Parliament will do anything, if you go to any previous successful petition pages and look through the streams of the debates, they are at least a few hours of discussion that goes into decent depth. The online petitions system is something that genuinely gives more direct power to voters, so please contribute if you can.


For those who want context beyond what the petition says, watch the video here: 


And if you're an EU citizen, you can sign the EU Citizens' Initiative regardless of where you live (so if you live in the UK as an EU citizen, you can sign both!): https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home

For other questions or ways to get involved, visit StopKillingGames.com or watch the Video FAQ


P.S. Don't forget friends and family can sign too!



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