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What Tech Product are you most proud of? Well we asked the LTT staff to bring in some tech items they have from home to show off to you guys! Including Drones, Cars, Sound Systems, Record Players, and an AirBrush? What product would you like to show off if you had the chance?



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My favorite LTT videos are the ones showcasing the staff and their niche tech(AMD UPGRADE DOES THIS WELL). These are already passionate and intresting people; adding chances for them to talk about their passions that not a lot of people are aware of makes for amazing content and provides introducing new tech to viewers. I would love to see more content like this in the future.

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9 hours ago, xnamkcor said:

"This clear record shows it's underneath".
I can't see it. Must be my eyes.

"Taking of the record so you can see".
I still don't see the needle or the tonearm...

It's a linear tracker, it's at 3'o'clock.

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