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Budget (including currency): Not really

Country: Switzerland

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: honestly I don’t know. I just want to run Diablo II resurrected at over 9000 fps. Some modded Minecraft, POE 2, GTA VI, Half-life 3, satisfactory and some VR stuff in the future. Gaming PC only - zero personal or work things will touch this machine.

Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): 

Got a build in mind





Couple of general notes:

  • Obvious noctua fanboy is obvious
  • Trying to get max reasonable noise adjusted performance.
  • That being said Fractal North white mesh case is a specific aesthetic choice for the room it’s in. I know torrent is superior.
  • I want to play around with overclocking eventually. Maybe delid, direct die etc. no objective - it sounds fun.
  • As you can tell I don’t care about cost optimisation too much
  • I want to game at 240hz at 4k without compression so dp2.1 needed.


Part notes

  • Power: yeh I know - but noctua so take my money. Also 5090 is 600w leaving me hovering at the touted 50% capacity mark
  • Storage: I play one game at a time. No work or personal files on this PC.
  • Monitor: I want to hook up a Mac air to it + a third work PC laptop
  • Ram: no gaming benefit to more than 32 right? Right?


Airflow plan

  • Front intake, top AIO exhaust with static pressure optimised push noctuas replacing the default arctic fans, rear top single exhaust, side intakes mounted on the lower GPU position
  • Vertical mounted GPU sucking air from those side intakes (5090 is supposed to be 1C cooler in horizontal but I think I overcome that with the side fans)
  • 3d printed custom fan duct to correct that weird airflow on the bottom front intake



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37 minutes ago, Azra247 said:

Thanks - I edited the link.

Thats about what i would do for unlimited budget, just don't pay that much for windows and better get 6000MHz cl28 for stability, because 6400MHz doesn't work well with AM5

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