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Need a list of components for a server build for small business

Go to solution Solved by Eigenvektor,
2 hours ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

 I don't know how that works but as I know the software handles the mqtt part hosts a website for the coustomer to see the dashboard and all for each and every coustomer and we also have a application for the phones so it is like the Arduino iot  cloud 

Our software is similar in that it also hosts a website, communicates with mobile devices (MQTT/FCM/APNS/WNS), multiple other external services and has an underlying database.


It does not require anywhere near that amount of hardware.


I would recommend to run a load test with a small number of devices and do some extrapolation based on that, before overspending on hardware.

Budget (including currency): RS 1000000

Country: India

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: for running mqtt service and IoT website

Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): From scratch 


This is the requirement:-


These are the details provided by the software company :-

Node Pool Configuration


Default Node Pool

Name: default

VM Size: Standard_B2s

OS: AzureLinux

OS Disk:

 Size: 32 GB

 Type: Managed

Scaling Configuration:

 Min Nodes: 2

 Max Nodes: 3

 Max Pods per Node: 110

Availability Zones: 1, 2

Auto-scaling: Enabled

Node Public IP: Disabled


I need something like current gen from AMD epyc line and should be like super stable and super reliable I am even ready to get two systems if I need to have redundancy 

Please share ur thoughts for these as I am not aware of the server side of things and my company is going to procure this for the first time so everyone is unsure they are just trusting what the vendor is saying if possible share a complete build info of parts or something of ur recommendation that should I include 


Edited by Shubham kumar pandey
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6 minutes ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

OS: AzureLinux


Is that a hard requirement, that seems like they want to run this in Azure.


I'd probably set this up in the cloud as they seem to reccomend.


I'd hire someone with more knowledge here, this is something that you wan't to know how it works so you can fix it when it breaks one day. 

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11 minutes ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

workloads that it will be used for: for running mqtt service and IoT website

Neither of these is particularly demanding on the hardware. The most important would be a reliable Internet connection. Bandwidth requirements depend on the maximum expected number of concurrent clients.


Does the software company not provide any type if guide for this? Recommended hardware and such?

Remember to either quote or @mention others, so they are notified of your reply

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4 minutes ago, Electronics Wizardy said:

Is that a hard requirement, that seems like they want to run this in Azure.


I'd probably set this up in the cloud as they seem to reccomend.


I'd hire someone with more knowledge here, this is something that you wan't to know how it works so you can fix it when it breaks one day. 

They are previously running on Azure cloud but the issue was the cost of operation on that is like more than twice of the profit it is bringing we had already talked it out with them about porting it to our in-house server 

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Just now, Shubham kumar pandey said:

They are previously running on Azure cloud but the issue was the cost of operation on that is like more than twice of the profit it is bringing we had already talked it out with them about porting it to our in-house server 

Do you have much server experience? 


What OS/Hypervisor would you run on these nodes?


Do you have rack space to put these in? 


What are server prices in your area? what models are you looking at?

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2 minutes ago, Eigenvektor said:

Neither of these is particularly demanding on the hardware. The most important would be a reliable Internet connection. Bandwidth requirements depend on the maximum expected number of concurrent clients.


Does the software company not provide any type if guide for this? Recommended hardware and such?

Thy just told us to like it need s only 4 cores for both the nodes that's it so we are on our own for figuring out. As for the no of clients it is around like 600 currently and in future I am thinking of like 2000 in 3-4 years and the datta is like some values over mqtt for IoT needs 

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2 minutes ago, Electronics Wizardy said:

Do you have much server experience? 


What OS/Hypervisor would you run on these nodes?


Do you have rack space to put these in? 


What are server prices in your area? what models are you looking at?

Not me 😅 but the setup and running is going under some other company that maintains it and deploy .

Correction the in house server I am talking about is the nothing right now it is from scratch  I just want to be sure the hardware side of things is correct and reliable 

As we had talked with few providers they told us Rs 5-6 lacks for a amd epyc7313 for cpu and 32-64 g of ram and 2tb of Raid 1 storage for a single system with installation and all

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1 minute ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

Not me 😅 but the setup and running is going under some other company that maintains it and deploy .

Correction the in house server I am talking about is the nothing right now it is from scratch 

I'd get that other company to make a proposal for what hardware to use instead of a forum. 


Do you have the space and internet needed to host this server? 


Would they maintain the host OS on this system? Do they support non cloud configs? 


With tiny vms that your using I doubt you would be saving much price wise, those Azure vms seem small and cheap.

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8 minutes ago, Electronics Wizardy said:

I'd get that other company to make a proposal for what hardware to use instead of a forum. 


Do you have the space and internet needed to host this server? 


Would they maintain the host OS on this system? Do they support non cloud configs? 


With tiny vms that your using I doubt you would be saving much price wise, those Azure vms seem small and cheap.

Yeah u right about that it is going to cost us more but the previous company they are charging  56k for a year just for the  cloud provider maintenance and os is seperately 

Yeah we are paying 10 times of that upfront but our chairperson had decided to go for in house even if its going to cost more.

As for the maintenance thy quoted for 3 years of entire system in the same cost ,one of them is providing proxmox as for os including of the same quote

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5 minutes ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

Yeah u right about that it is going to cost us more but the previous company they are charging  56k for a year just for the  cloud provider maintenance and os is seperately 

Yeah we are paying 10 times of that upfront but our chairperson had decided to go for in house even if its going to cost more.

As for the maintenance thy quoted for 3 years of entire system in the same cost ,one of them is providing proxmox as for os including of the same quote

Yea Proxmox is nice and I use it a lot. I'd just get someone in house that knows it well or learn it. Your gonna have a lot of possible issues if you haven't set up a hypervisor before as there is a lot of learn


For a few small vms like this basically any server is fine. Probably try to get a few gen old system if money is a issue. Ram is typically your first limit for VMs, then Disk IO, then CPU.


Whats your backup plan for this system? Get a second box with PBS?


Can you get a differnt cloud contract? That seems a lot cheaper and easier to do.

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59 minutes ago, Electronics Wizardy said:

Yea Proxmox is nice and I use it a lot. I'd just get someone in house that knows it well or learn it. Your gonna have a lot of possible issues if you haven't set up a hypervisor before as there is a lot of learn


For a few small vms like this basically any server is fine. Probably try to get a few gen old system if money is a issue. Ram is typically your first limit for VMs, then Disk IO, then CPU.


Whats your backup plan for this system? Get a second box with PBS?


Can you get a differnt cloud contract? That seems a lot cheaper and easier to do.

First correction on the previous reply the 56k per year I said was incorrect. It is 30k per month for the cloud and thy had already charged 100k  for the actual development seperately 


Yeah I am ready to learn about the prox mox if needed 


Ram is 32-64gb ECC , 2tb of Raid 1 nvme storage , and the. Cpu is an AMD  epyc 7313 16core cpu 


The backup plan is a second same system after few months lf it is going to perform well


The current company that dose the development and software is not willing to change its cloud provider even if we pay 

They are reluctant on that and at some point there was some arguments with the company highers and that company and now we are here 🫠

 Yeah as over an year  of being in this company I can assure u my company have a nack of doing it the hard way 😁

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1 hour ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

Ram is 32-64gb ECC , 2tb of Raid 1 nvme storage , and the. Cpu is an AMD  epyc 7313 16core cpu

That sounds way over the top.


Surely the developer has other customers and can provide some guidelines based on their experiences?


For reference, I work as a software developer for a company whose software communicates with mobile devices. It does a lot more than just MQTT.


Our recommended installation is as a Docker container and for up to 5K devices we want one application server with 2 cores/4 GB RAM and a separate DB server with 4 cores/8 GB RAM.


Obviously not the same software so not directly transferrable, but as I said it does a lot more than just send messages via MQTT. Based on what you said so far, I would assume you can get away with much less hardware.

Remember to either quote or @mention others, so they are notified of your reply

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15 minutes ago, Eigenvektor said:

That sounds way over the top.


Surely the developer has other customers and can provide some guidelines based on their experiences?


For reference, I work as a software developer for a company whose software communicates with mobile devices. It does a lot more than just MQTT.


Our recommended installation is as a Docker container and for up to 5K devices we want one application server with 2 cores/4 GB RAM and a separate DB server with 4 cores/8 GB RAM.


Obviously not the same software so not directly transferrable, but as I said it does a lot more than just send messages via MQTT. Based on what you said so far, I would assume you can get away with much less hardware.

I also don't know the exact details as why they are choosing that cpu but as of what I heard, they are doing it for future proofing 

And they are going to add some other services whose details I don't know yet 

And they are saying that the cost for 8core and 16 core is not that significant.

And in case of  cost of powering all of it we have a large solar array on top of our building roof with ongrid solar charger and controller  to power the systems most of the times 

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24 minutes ago, Eigenvektor said:

That sounds way over the top.


Surely the developer has other customers and can provide some guidelines based on their experiences?


For reference, I work as a software developer for a company whose software communicates with mobile devices. It does a lot more than just MQTT.


Our recommended installation is as a Docker container and for up to 5K devices we want one application server with 2 cores/4 GB RAM and a separate DB server with 4 cores/8 GB RAM.


Obviously not the same software so not directly transferrable, but as I said it does a lot more than just send messages via MQTT. Based on what you said so far, I would assume you can get away with much less hardware.

 I don't know how that works but as I know the software handles the mqtt part hosts a website for the coustomer to see the dashboard and all for each and every coustomer and we also have a application for the phones so it is like the Arduino iot  cloud 

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2 hours ago, Shubham kumar pandey said:

 I don't know how that works but as I know the software handles the mqtt part hosts a website for the coustomer to see the dashboard and all for each and every coustomer and we also have a application for the phones so it is like the Arduino iot  cloud 

Our software is similar in that it also hosts a website, communicates with mobile devices (MQTT/FCM/APNS/WNS), multiple other external services and has an underlying database.


It does not require anywhere near that amount of hardware.


I would recommend to run a load test with a small number of devices and do some extrapolation based on that, before overspending on hardware.

Remember to either quote or @mention others, so they are notified of your reply

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