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I recently picked up an old HP that has two Pentium IIIs and a Matrox G250. I am curious to know what I can do with such an old yet interesting computer. Any game or software recommendations? I plan to run Windows 2000 but I am open to trying out XP. I could also try installing an Nvidia Riva TNT2 that I have laying around if that is a better card. I don't have any experience with P3 systems so any guidance would be great. Thanks!

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32 minutes ago, Tillamook266 said:

I don't have any experience with P3 systems so any guidance would be great. Thanks!

It's an x86 CPU (32 bit), so it's limited to 32 bit software from its era.


Other than being a lot slower than modern systems and unable to run modern 64 bit software, not sure what type of experience you expect?


It should be able to run any software released around the time it was released (1999) and also more modern software as long as it isn't 64 bit and/or requires more than 4 GB of RAM

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1 hour ago, Tillamook266 said:

I recently picked up an old HP that has two Pentium IIIs and a Matrox G250. I am curious to know what I can do with such an old yet interesting computer. Any game or software recommendations? I plan to run Windows 2000 but I am open to trying out XP. I could also try installing an Nvidia Riva TNT2 that I have laying around if that is a better card. I don't have any experience with P3 systems so any guidance would be great. Thanks!

Retro gaming, SNES/NES emulation, slotting in Sound Blaster Audigy for a music system, e-waste recycling. Not much else this stuff is good for. Wall decor maybe.

"The GB8/12 Liberation Front"

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7 minutes ago, Renegade042 said:

Problem with games is gonna be the OS support of your favorite gamestore,

although that's the beauty of old-school stuff... cds, tapes, floppy disks readily available no "gamestore" needed ~

The direction tells you... the direction

-Scott Manley, 2021


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MSI Afterburner 


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20 hours ago, Tillamook266 said:

I recently picked up an old HP that has two Pentium IIIs and a Matrox G250. I am curious to know what I can do with such an old yet interesting computer. Any game or software recommendations? I plan to run Windows 2000 but I am open to trying out XP. I could also try installing an Nvidia Riva TNT2 that I have laying around if that is a better card. I don't have any experience with P3 systems so any guidance would be great. Thanks!

not an expert but quick look around the gpus should be somewhat similar with likely the matrox being more mature,  just more solid / stable (even until today) 



edit, actually i think a Radeon X 800 XT or something would be more fitting and much better 


(i had X 1950GT few years later btw, killer card at the time)


edit²: also recommend windows 98, much more era accurate and probably runs much better too, i think such an old system would struggle a lot with XP.



The direction tells you... the direction

-Scott Manley, 2021


Softwares used:

Corsair Link (Anime Edition) 

MSI Afterburner 


Lively Wallpaper 

OBS Studio

Shutter Encoder









3D Paint

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