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Hey everyone, 

I try to use the above mentioned Mainboard for a Server in combination with a Intel Xeon silver 4310. 


The first boot worked as expected but after couple of power cycles, it wouldnt consistently boot and the Debug code shows -A. I couldnt find any documentation for this code. A normal boot would start with a -9 which is also not documented.

I tried with a different CPU(same model), a different Mainboard. Minimal configuration( meaning 1 ram module), different psu and other steps. 


The results where always the same, around 5/10 powercycles lead to -A.

Even with these errors we decided to install proxmox, it ran for a week even with the occasional power cycle. During this time it posted with no problems after powercycling.


And today it would boot at all.


Currently we use a BeQuiet system power 700W PSU since the sfx psu we used before only had one cpu power and the board has 8+4. 


MB: ASRock Rack SPC521D8-

CPU: Intel Xeon Silver 4310

RAM: 4x 64gb Micron MTA36ASF8G72PZ-3G2R




I hope someone has an idea or at least could tell me what -A means as a code. 


Thx in advance  


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5 hours ago, Bardowing said:

Currently we use a BeQuiet system power 700W PSU since the sfx psu we used before only had one cpu power and the board has 8+4. 

You should take a look at the manual. Some motherboards are built with the two connectors but you are supposed to use only one at a time. And other boards are meant to use both connectors at the same time. Just saying that your SFX PSU may be useable if the manual says so.


As for the -A error code, sorry, I don't know either what that means. It is undocumented for me too. My guess is that you have a bug in the BIOS. Maybe a BIOS flash and clearing the CMOS memory can help ?

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