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Does surge protector work ? Or should i go with some kinda ups or smth

I jave 550v bronze psu so i guess 1000j protector is kinda fine , idk they kinda price high around 15 dollar or smth for 1000joule if more than that surge will come it will mot even help so if i go with 2000-5000 joules surge protector it would cost almost like ups

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Any surge protector is better than no surge protector.


You only need a UPS if you experience frequent power outages and need a few minutes of battery runtime to either ride out a short outage or save your work and do a proper shutdown for a longer one.

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a decent surge protector is helpful if you are in an area where power surges may happen, but the cheap stuff generally does just as much as the surge protection that should already be in your power supply. generally, if it doesnt have a reset button, it's not gonna protect much.

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I'd say a voltage stabilizer may be useful. Certainly more expensive than a surge protector, cheaper than a UPS. 


I live in an area frequently bombed by demented alcoholic morons with frequent voltage fluctuations and so far I have three burned PSUs among friends and family within a year or so - one laptop brick and two PC PSUs. They were on surge protectors. Mine is on cheap-ish voltage stabilizer and so far so good. But my PSU is on the higher end though, maybe it just tanks the surges.


Surge protectors are intended to help from something really big like a nearby lightning jolt or whatever, they won't help from voltage fluctuations due to a malfunctioning energy grid. And the simpler your PSU the higher the chance of it borking out when the volts go haywire.

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1 hour ago, manikyath said:

a decent surge protector is helpful if you are in an area where power surges may happen, but the cheap stuff generally does just as much as the surge protection that should already be in your power supply. generally, if it doesnt have a reset button, it's not gonna protect much.

I get surges when high power consumption devise turn on in my house like AC(air conditioning)and stuff and i checked my power supply cx550v (2017) one dosent has it


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