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Budget (including currency): <200$

Country: US

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: Proxmox, misc games, cad, etc.

Other details Probably going to run proxmox

I already have laying around:
240gb ssd + 2tb hdd


ASUS A520 e board

I also have a fan and 3d printer for a Tesla fan attachment


things that would need to be replaced:

Ryzen 7 5700x + Rx 6600xt + 64gb ram that is currently powering my nas/gaming/work pc. Would need to replace the Rx 6600xt with smthn LP, and the r7 5700x with smthn decent

I want a server where I can stream a vm into a website (I have this set up through Apache Guac) and just need to figure out the system. Here’s what I have so far (i5-12600k is used)



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