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4k editing rig on Ryzen 7 8700G

Go to solution Solved by Somerandomtechyboi,


8400f + b580 + 32gb 6400c32


A pc is pretty pointless if you arent gonna be using a gpu, at that point might aswell buy an asrock deskmini or something if you want cpu upgradability or a straight up mini pc since the zen5 ryzen ai 9 has a better igpu than the 8700g


B580 not exactly the best value here so look for a used 3080 instead as they should be hovering around the 350€ mark and should be able to do all your video editing and rendering needs

Budget (including currency): 1000EUR

Country: Hungary

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: 4k editing and 3d modeling, rendering

Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): 

Only a CPU question.


Will I be able to build a 4k capable editing rig with the Ryzen 7 8700G? That's my only concern, the other parts I can select myself but I am not up-to-date with CPU performance as for the past 3 years I was working with MAC, but times change, I am going back to a tower build. Is there any other CPU in the same price range that is:

- future proof (DDR5 capable)

- has good enough performance to smoothly edit 3d files (not larg ones, nothing industrial, only for myself) and videos




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According to them, the 8700G is between a 12-core M4 pro and a 12-core M2 max in multi-core tasks




In single thread tasks, it's between a 10-core M2 pro and an 8-core M2




I guess the multi-core score is more relevant to your workload.






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8400f + b580 + 32gb 6400c32


A pc is pretty pointless if you arent gonna be using a gpu, at that point might aswell buy an asrock deskmini or something if you want cpu upgradability or a straight up mini pc since the zen5 ryzen ai 9 has a better igpu than the 8700g


B580 not exactly the best value here so look for a used 3080 instead as they should be hovering around the 350€ mark and should be able to do all your video editing and rendering needs

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