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W11 Storage Pool - does not have a drive letter not shows up in "this PC"

I have a PC with three old 250GB SSD. All of those SSD are too small to be useful for data (My data are safe on other PCs with larger drives and backups).


One SSD is an m.2 and has the OS. The two SATA SSD i wanted to combine to a Pool. the problem is, there wasn't an option to assign a drive letter. Disk management also doesn't show them at all


I know this is some sort of RAID 0 or similar and data are not safe (one drive failure makes all data on both drives unusable). I just want them on that PC so I have access. 


Am I missing some obvious way to do this? 




Macrorit can see the drives



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16 minutes ago, Needfuldoer said:

Did you create a partition on that pool in Disk Management?

Those 2 drives cam from another PCs (one had an OS). I first had used Macrorit to clean up the partitions. they legitimately showed up in the OS and I was able to use them fine. Only after I created the pool, they became invisible in Explorer and Disk management. They are visible in Macrorit (see above screenshot at bottom, that is after the pool was created). 


They are slightly different in size. One is 250GB, one is 256GB. Both are Samsung. But I think that shouldn't matter for pooling. 


Maybe I should just buy a larger drive and sell these. But they are basically worthless in the market and I wanted to put them to some good use.  I could use them as separate drives, which makes it a bit less convenient. 

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I'm an idiot. I missed the part where you "Create a storage space". that is where you assign the letter and set what type of drive you want (simple, parity etc.)


Now that I got this to work, this opens up new means to use up those old small SSD. (and yes, those data aren't very safe from drive loss)



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