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Fan lights suddenly stopped working (After sleep mode maybe?)

Go to solution Solved by Nelly._.,

Fixed by holding power button down for like 15 seconds and clicking it 15 times. Weird cause I turned it off like 10 times throughout the week.

So my fans a still spinning and working but the lights on the fans are not. Here is my fans and other pc specs image.png.b07c5229d6105de99ed424fbc830ea21.png

As you can see I have 3 rgb fans and all of them stopped working, two are connected to each other and one is one its own, so I don't think its a hardware issue. Even so I still checked to see if they were plugged in correctly and they were.


I found out about it after I turned on my PC back from sleep mode, as I was having a shower and eating dinner, but it could of been longer than that. I woke up at like 5pm, so as I'd just woken up I probably wouldn't of noticed.

I've updated Windows, it said "windows update some settings are managed by your organization" but I've fixed that now and updated it to the newest one, but that could be a hint of a virus maybe. 

I've went to MSI centre and updated Mystic lights that didn't work BUT the ARCTIC FANS don't even need software to let them light up, as when I first turned on my pc, after building it, they were doing RGB rainbow stuff on there own. As you can see this is the image when I first turn on my PC in the January 2024 without the MSI software 


And this it is with the MSI software, I have it so it changes colour based on the CPU's temperature




Now only the GPU light works. The highest possibility is that its a problem with either Windows or MSI Mystic Lights. But I don't know. Help would be appreciated


All these pictures were taken ages ago, like the 25th of January 2024. 



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