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Budget (including currency): $350 USD

Country: US

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: AAA video games from the last few years to present at 1080p or 1440p

I just came into an Intel NUC 11 Extreme for free and decided I wanted to make it into a gaming PC. A GPU for the NUC 11 Extreme cannot exceed 300mm in length and I’ve heard that if the width exceeds 64mm, the side panel has a hard time going on, but I won’t know for sure until it arrives here from my friend’s house and I can take measurements.


Can PS5-equivalent performance be had for $350 USD? If so, what are some card recommendations?

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used rtx 3080(ti) or 6800xt if you can find one short enough, new options probably wanna wait for the b770 and the rx 9060 series which might actually have similar performance or atleast rx 6800/7700xt perf considering the b580 is already at rx 6750xt perf


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