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So, I recently completed a build using an i9-12900k processor.  It was a build that took an unusually long time to complete (I'd bought half the components, but then a family emergency forced me set the whole project aside for more than a year.  When I bought that processor, 13th gen chips were new and the 14th gen or Ultra series hadn't yet come out).  While it's a new computer and runs just fine with anything out there, there's a good chance I'll want to upgrade it at some point in its lifespan (a rarity for me; I usually build a computer that runs well for five-seven years and then retire it and build a whole new computer, but the... odd way this one was built, I'm not sure it will run everything I want it to for its expected lifespan), but with 13th and 14th gen processors being such a disaster, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of upgrading to either succeeding generation of processor, so I was happy to hear about the Bartlett processors, which may provide me a viable upgrade alternative in the future.

I've been checking anything I could find from CES for news on Bartlett, but so far all I can find is that there's now a series name attached -- Core (just Core, not Ultra; I'm sure that will lead to no confusion whatsoever) 200S.  Now, a name being attached is good news, I suppose (it means that they haven't abandoned the idea of Bartlett, after all) -- but beyond that, I can't find anything else.  Is that all the news there is?  Anything new on the release date (is it still Q3 2025?), the expected specs, etc.?

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27 minutes ago, David A. Tatum said:

a rarity for me; I usually build a computer that runs well for five-seven years and then retire it and build a whole new computer, but the... odd way this one was built, I'm not sure it will run everything I want it to for its expected lifespan

Nope. Unless if you suddenly start to solely play Civilization and Cities Skylines to the endgame, you wont need the urge to. Keep the same consensus, upgrade when you know your PC isnt performing up to par to what you want to do. And really 5 years is still a good referential timespan.

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29 minutes ago, SorryBella said:

Nope. Unless if you suddenly start to solely play Civilization and Cities Skylines to the endgame, you wont need the urge to. Keep the same consensus, upgrade when you know your PC isnt performing up to par to what you want to do. And really 5 years is still a good referential timespan.


You might be surprised at the sort of CPU requirements some of the proprietary work-related GIS software I sometimes need to use can have... but hopefully, you're right.  I still am hoping for Bartlett to be functional enough in the off chance that I do need an upgrade, so I'm keeping an eye out for news on it.

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