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Budget (including currency):  £300 - 400

Country: uk

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: mwo, fallout 76, space marine 2, kerbal SP plus many more

Other details currently I have an i7 8700k (5ghz watercooled), 16gb of ddr4 3400mhz ram, 1080ti, wd black 1tb m.2 ssd, and an LG ultrawide 1080p 75hz 8bit colour monitor.


Basically, id really like a new 34" (or bigger) ultrawide 1440p 120hz+ 10bit colour monitor (please recommend some for me) . However, sometimes i notice my system cant even really push the full 75fps for my 75hz monitor on low settings in newer games like space marine 2.


should i get a new monitor or a gpu first?


or is my cpu too old now aswell ? 😞


thanks in advance for advice


jim 🙂


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8 minutes ago, JimmyHackers said:

Budget (including currency):  £300 - 400

Country: uk

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: mwo, fallout 76, space marine 2, kerbal SP plus many more

Other details currently I have an i7 8700k (5ghz watercooled), 16gb of ddr4 3400mhz ram, 1080ti, wd black 1tb m.2 ssd, and an LG ultrawide 1080p 75hz 8bit colour monitor.


Basically, id really like a new 34" (or bigger) ultrawide 1440p 120hz+ 10bit colour monitor (please recommend some for me) . However, sometimes i notice my system cant even really push the full 75fps for my 75hz monitor on low settings in newer games like space marine 2.


should i get a new monitor or a gpu first?


or is my cpu too old now aswell ? 😞


thanks in advance for advice


jim 🙂


If your current system struggles at 1080p 75hz then it will definitely struggle at 1440p +60hz.


Its a tough choice!  I'd probably get a GPU first but the 8700k is going to be a bottleneck in modern games.

You would see better framerates with a new GPU however, a 7800 XT is juuust out of budget but this is what I would go for.


And then maybe a CPU / Motherboard upgrade later.

Anything modern will crush the 8700k.  A 13400F + motherboard combo would be nice, can re use the DDR4 RAM if you go with a DDR4 motherboard.

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1 hour ago, JimmyHackers said:

Budget (including currency):  £300 - 400

Country: uk

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: mwo, fallout 76, space marine 2, kerbal SP plus many more

Other details currently I have an i7 8700k (5ghz watercooled), 16gb of ddr4 3400mhz ram, 1080ti, wd black 1tb m.2 ssd, and an LG ultrawide 1080p 75hz 8bit colour monitor.


Basically, id really like a new 34" (or bigger) ultrawide 1440p 120hz+ 10bit colour monitor (please recommend some for me) . However, sometimes i notice my system cant even really push the full 75fps for my 75hz monitor on low settings in newer games like space marine 2.


should i get a new monitor or a gpu first?


or is my cpu too old now aswell ? 😞


thanks in advance for advice


jim 🙂


If you are unsure about getting 1440p display, set your render resolution to there or just a bit more and see how playable it is. If it is perfectly fine for you, get the display. If it is lower than what you want, follow @Hinjima‘s advice for an upgrade path until performance is acceptable.

Please use the mark as solution feature if your query was resolved.
If multiple people people contributed to a solution, pick the most helpful contribution.



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