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Is 10GBE Ethernet Access for my Home Router Worth It?

If I connect my home router to a switch over 10GB Ethernet, would it notably improve uploads/downloads (over Wi-Fi) to a NAS (which will also have a 10GB link), or video streaming from a Plex server? This network regularly serves only about 5 people max, so I'm not sure there would be near enough saturation to justify the expense of getting a switch with enough ports to support multiple 10GB links.

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Your probably wifi limited, not 1gbe limited so wifi clients are unlikely to see a difference.


You need like 20+ streams on plex to be limited by 1gbe, so 10gbe won't help here. 


What is the usage on your current 1gbe link?

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1 hour ago, Electronics Wizardy said:

Your probably wifi limited, not 1gbe limited so wifi clients are unlikely to see a difference.


You need like 20+ streams on plex to be limited by 1gbe, so 10gbe won't help here. 


What is the usage on your current 1gbe link?

I don't have a super accurate way of measuring usage, but in my router's "bandwidth monitoring" I can extrapolate 5-10GB/hr of download from WAN. This includes Wi-Fi and Ethernet. It's much lower overall for ant LAN transfers.

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26 minutes ago, daviden said:

I don't have a super accurate way of measuring usage, but in my router's "bandwidth monitoring" I can extrapolate 5-10GB/hr of download from WAN. This includes Wi-Fi and Ethernet. It's much lower overall for ant LAN transfers.

Do you have internet > 1gbe or is this for lan transfers?


Any OS should show the amount of transfers on the network connection, so look at that.

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