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I moved my downloads folder and I want to move it back

Pretty much what the title says. I wanted to download a large file but there was not enough space on my C: drive so I changed the location in properties. I went to a bunch of sites to see if there was any solution and found THIS: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/move-or-restore-default-location-of-downloads-folder-in-windows-11.8710/. It worked the first time but then I did the same thing the next day but the program wont work. WHAT DO I DO?????

Acer Predator Helios 500


8th Gen Intel Core i7 8750H

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 8GB (Mobile)


1TB Hard Drive

256 GB Solid State Drive

Processor Speed 2.20 GHz

Wireless LAN Standard IEEE 802.11ac

Screen Resolution 1920 × 1080

Operating System: Windows 10 Home

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What program are you referring to?

You should be able to restore the Downloads folder to the default location by pressing 'Restore Default' and 'Apply'.


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