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6 hours ago, aggie113 said:

I think the most recent video that featured it had them testing out a large number of APs in the enclosed space.


No, I think he's referencing the "wtf is this pile of nonsense" wrong RF Chamber they originally got sent that wasn't what they ordered.

Not the new one that's actually what they wanted.  


I don't think there's been an update on the old one, but I'd seriously doubt they still have the multiple piles of crap from it taking up space they needed in the warehouse.  @LMGcommunity might be able to find an answer though?

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For any business proposals, like inquiry to get the bad foam, your "Uni" or rather people there with power to get this done should be directly in contact to LMG. There's both contact form and email listed on their site for that.

^^^^ That's my post ^^^^
<-- This is me --- That's your scrollbar -->
vvvv Who's there? vvvv

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