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so i was going to watch this video  0:20 to 0:31 and the sponsor be quiet of the light base case( bq light base 600 lx )and all is good...but then said something about the f panel connector for power, reset, led so on is all it one connector witch is well bad because mb dont have a stander(even new mbs)... its the same problem lian li had with there 011 evo all over again. i looked in the manual (downloads tab) and didn't see a brake out cable so...most likely see alot of returned cases as it wont plug in...oh i cant make this stuff up. no were did it say only compatible with certain mb or what mbs that is...


will bq (and other case) send you a free brake out cable anywhere in the world?

will there be a stander going foreword people should know if there is.

will they give you a refund and pay 100% all shipping fees on the case


this might be the part to fix it? (note this adapter might still not work will all mb like the z77 linked below...)




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5 minutes ago, OddOod said:

Nothing you couldn't overcome with a few jumpers. 
But if that's a dealbreaker, buy a different case.


fix able ya but are you going to spend $150 on a case then find out you cant plug the front cable in and then be like well got to ether warranty it, get them to send a free brake out connector, shipping it back would be a huge wast of time and moeny...

probly not going to go get a different mb that its compatible with...like dam


people dont even no how to use a hammer you cant expect them to fix it or even to no what cable to look for...

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https://www.enostech.com/be-quiet-silent-base-802-window-white-pc-case-review/#:~:text=We have front panel system connectors.
Which specific model are you looking at? Because this review shows individual headers....


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3 hours ago, OddOod said:

https://www.enostech.com/be-quiet-silent-base-802-window-white-pc-case-review/#:~:text=We have front panel system connectors.
Which specific model are you looking at? Because this review shows individual headers....


0:20 to 0:31 of this video the case in the video is bq light base 600 lx

i tried contacted gn on twitter but dont no a way too i contacted j2cents and we will see...




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There is apparently a standard for FP connectors that Intel laid out in the 90s. Most mobo companies adhere to it. 
If it does end up being a problem, I'm sure BQ customer service would send a breakout cable. 
Personally, I'm a fan of this idea

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3 hours ago, OddOod said:

There is apparently a standard for FP connectors that Intel laid out in the 90s. Most mobo companies adhere to it. 
If it does end up being a problem, I'm sure BQ customer service would send a breakout cable. 
Personally, I'm a fan of this idea

they talked about it for a long time as it was laugh at for years. maybe intel has a stander for just there mbs but other's dont. if so then there should be some were saying this case is only compatible with intel mbs.


link (2021) link (2020)


msi has a jfp1 connector on msi motherbords i guess that forcing the stander?


jfp1 guide


i looked at new mb and there no stander so no idea were you got that info from

if this was going to be the "new stander" they have not fallowed it. if there any news articals about this post it. a stander would be nice... (not against that) i spent moeny buying connectors making my own brake out cables)

back in the day the mb came with an adapter but there so cheap these days extras are not included...


other wise bq will have to post a compatible mb list... or send free adapters...

and like i said it happen with lian li case i no because i got one of there 011 evo and it had this all in one connector... i got a free sabertooth z77 from my dad and wanted to build a back up pc and found out the connetor was not compatable. i no how to moce the pins and i have dupunt adapters to so for me no big deal but to others its a big problem. might no be able to turn on the system at all (well with out jumping it🤔) witch is NOT RECOMMEND...


anyway i did make a post about and and thought well hope lian li will fix the problem dont no if it was or not. that was a few years a go and untill now same problem. and its most likely not just a bequiet problem. just trying to save both the buyer and seller moeny and time no shade throwen at any one. if there is a "new stander" people should no.



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dont see how no one see this as a problem? this means that case that have this you have a chance of not being able to plug in the mb to even play your new pc. its bad for resellers because they will see alot of case returned back to the store and all the open box problems...

if they do a recall it will take time to take em back ether fix it or send it back this will take time to restock so say up to a year to see case listed again... maybe they will send you an connector maybe they wont...🤷‍♂️ if they dont its up to you to go fine it. witch cost time and money and could wait up to like 2 moths to get or more the they lose your package.


so did some digging and well some how 2pin male to 2x 1pin female connectors dont exist for what reason i dont no... so for thow mb that have a pin not beside each other wont work or you going to have to buy 1pin jumpers...🤷‍♂️ i had this problem long time ago with my build...🤔


any way i for some connectors like i said might not work with all mb but what can you do


1pin m-f color connector

2pin m-f color connector

2pin m-f connector short but costly...

1pin m-f color sleeved connector

1pin m-f connector 10cm

8Pin Power

2pin m-f black 20cm connector

6pin power

if you wanted to make your own i guess need this too

this you can make you non sexy wires everywhere pan in the ass connector a 8pin all in one you welcome... ketchup and mustered thow cant have everything you want right?


you could if your feeling ballse move the pins around the 8pin connector too but i mean thats work right?

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My guess is that no, no one really sees this as a problem. Quite a few case manufacturers have a single FPANEL connector and given that the number of SKUs sporting them is increasing, it seems like the market is a fan

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30 minutes ago, OddOod said:

My guess is that no, no one really sees this as a problem. Quite a few case manufacturers have a single FPANEL connector and given that the number of SKUs sporting them is increasing, it seems like the market is a fan

i guess there going to be many recalls then bad for investors...

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4 hours ago, thrasher_565 said:

i guess there going to be many recalls then bad for investors...

I mean, no? For one thing, BQ is owned by Listan GmbH, a privately held German corp. For another, again, quite a few cases do this. 
Kinda not sure why you're dying on this hill. Do you specifically have a modern, mainstream motherboard with atypical front panel layout?


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10 minutes ago, OddOod said:

I mean, no? For one thing, BQ is owned by Listan GmbH, a privately held German corp. For another, again, quite a few cases do this. 
Kinda not sure why you're dying on this hill. Do you specifically have a modern, mainstream motherboard with atypical front panel layout?


i use old stuff...


so your saying if your mb is not compatible it should be ewast?

im too poor to buy a "new" mb that is compatible?

fist you need to no if your mb is compatible to no not to buy this case...

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3 minutes ago, thrasher_565 said:

fist you need to no if your mb is compatible to no not to buy this case...

Yes, you do. Which is why researching the components is important. 
But buying a new case for old hardware is a remarkably rare strategy. 
Interestingly, people on reddit are complaining about the opposite of this and everyone on that thread seems to be under the same impression as me: that mobo fpanel connection layout has been standard for a LONG time. 
I suppose we could also get mad at case manufacturers who don't have cable passthroughs big enough for IDE ribbons. But yeah, modern cases are targeting modern hardware. Which is a good thing. More airflow, fewer drive cages, no 5" bays. Not that you *can't* find cases bucking the trend, but they are inherently niche while BQ is targeting mass audience.

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20 minutes ago, OddOod said:

Yes, you do. Which is why researching the components is important. 
But buying a new case for old hardware is a remarkably rare strategy. 
Interestingly, people on reddit are complaining about the opposite of this and everyone on that thread seems to be under the same impression as me: that mobo fpanel connection layout has been standard for a LONG time. 
I suppose we could also get mad at case manufacturers who don't have cable passthroughs big enough for IDE ribbons. But yeah, modern cases are targeting modern hardware. Which is a good thing. More airflow, fewer drive cages, no 5" bays. Not that you *can't* find cases bucking the trend, but they are inherently niche while BQ is targeting mass audience.

i never once thought ied have to look at my mb to see if i can plug it in... i first would need to no what connector the case has is the point witch you completely missed...

BQ is targeting mass audience...hmm there are millions of people that dont have that connector on there mb seems like there targeting less...

so what is your take away then? if you have an old pc dont upgrade it?

what if you have an old pc and want to upgrade the case first then upgrade later on...like this is so dum.


its not like there a mass change to the case like thows backwards connector mbs i could see thows only have cases built for them (but there not stander atx) why because they no 99% of people have atx pcs... ya they can be like new case, new parts, new everything ok but they would sell alot less and that would keep prices even hier bad for the byer. if you got moeny can afford to buy w/e you want no one gives a fu+ about you... do what you want...


if you wanted to make everyone buy new crap then make a new mb mounting stander then so you no that atx is not compatible like they do with cpu coolers...

make it have the all in one connector, make it sff psu only... amke it back connectors only w/e


if there was a person that only had say $150 to spend on an upgrade you think bq would say no we dont want your moeny...no they would be like we got a case at $100

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21 hours ago, thrasher_565 said:

there are millions of people that dont have that connector on there mb

Care to cite that claim? 

21 hours ago, thrasher_565 said:

if there was a person that only had say $150 to spend on an upgrade

If that person came here to ask what they should upgrade, I don't think anyone would recommend a case. Maybe second monitor or extra drive, but certainly not a case. 

You seem to be grasping at straws here in order to be mad at them

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9 minutes ago, OddOod said:

Care to cite that claim? 

If that person came here to ask what they should upgrade, I don't think anyone would recommend a case. Maybe second monitor or extra drive, but certainly not a case. 

You seem to be grasping at straws here in order to be mad at them

ya you dont get it its fine i dont think you ever build a pc before its ok.

probably every mb i have dose not use that stander so i dont no what to tell you.

we can agree to disagree

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On 12/12/2024 at 1:12 PM, thrasher_565 said:

i dont think you ever build a pc before its ok.

What a weird dig my dude. If you need evidence of my bonafides, check my post history, but sure, I'll bite, here's a rig I built


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6 hours ago, OddOod said:

What a weird dig my dude. If you need evidence of my bonafides, check my post history, but sure, I'll bite, here's a rig I built


you build anything old?

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On 12/13/2024 at 11:40 PM, thrasher_565 said:

you build anything old?

Nothing older than intel 4thgen these days. Mostly because that's my threshold for usablility. Though at this point I'm leaning towards 7th or 8th gen as minimum viable for gaming

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On 12/16/2024 at 10:59 AM, OddOod said:

Nothing older than intel 4thgen these days. Mostly because that's my threshold for usablility. Though at this point I'm leaning towards 7th or 8th gen as minimum viable for gaming

ya all i can say that we disagree witch each other thats fine. i posted my point and a fix so...


so im a bit old school i guess. been building pcs since like w95 days and i no mb standers were never a thing as was talked and debated for years. well so i like older hardware only because like like the older builds and i dont need top of the line stuff as game today imo  are crap. (ya i have a 3090 not for the performance reason) and i guess an older mb but newer then what i had i guess. also reason for it not proforamce but looks. i build for looks and fun of build. i no alot of people do build for proforamce i get that. to some this stuff is ewast ok but im reusing it so its not being ewats but w/e and lot of this stuff cost more then new stuff. my 98se pc i could have built a top line pc for just that one pc alone thats not the point. ya i no your gona say use a vm some game might work some dont even in a vm. and i love build so...


there are older case that i love as well as new case with nice air flow. i like case i change them all the time. i should like to have the right to put an old pc in a new case. maybe there is going forward a new "stander" i dont no time will tell there also thow backwards connected mb too. what i dont like is there not an official post or review of saying hey this is the new stander. i think this would be news to the pc community... after of years of asking for it...


there other people just like me (i think 🤔) that like old parts and new cases.


alot of old case cant find today other then ebay and the local use market and can cost a bit like me spending like $400 on a corsair 950 d...i also like the idea of many fans and posably rad support something old case lack as well as other thinks like gpu clearance and tower cooler clearance.


anyway thats ill post on it i covers all my points this is my imo you can have your too.

have a good day stay safe. its winday and cold out...

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