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Would Corsair iCUE SP120 RGB & Corsair iCUE LINK RX120 RGB fans in one system look weird / off?

Go to solution Solved by OddOod,

It will probably be fine. The LEDs will almost certainly be from different production runs so tuning colors to perfection will be a bit more annoying, but should be fine. Worst case scenario you can just swap them out in the future. 

The title says it all, i have no experience with corsair case fans. I can get some cheap SP120's from a friend, i dont want to spend a lot of money on 3 new rx120 fans.

Basically tldr: Will it look off? or will it look the same ish. Is there a big noticable difference?

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It will probably be fine. The LEDs will almost certainly be from different production runs so tuning colors to perfection will be a bit more annoying, but should be fine. Worst case scenario you can just swap them out in the future. 

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Two different systems so that might be an issue that you should ask Corsair tech support about. 


The SP120s are kinda weak, tbh.


I've been using computers since around 1978, started learning programming in 1980 on Apple IIs, started learning about hardware in 1990, ran a BBS from 1990-95, built my first Windows PC around 2000, taught myself malware removal starting in 2005 (also learned on Bleeping Computer), learned web dev starting in 2017, and I think I can fill a thimble with all that knowledge. 😉 I'm not an expert, which is why I keep investigating the answers that others give to try and improve my knowledge, so feel free to double-check the advice I give.

My phone's auto-correct is named Otto Rong.🤪😂

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