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Budget (including currency): 70.000Huf ( 177USD )

Country: Hungary

Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: RDR2, GTA V, TruckersMP, WarThunder

Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): I already have a TITAN X and a 1070 I can use, have my old case and a 600W EVGA 80+ Gold PSU. 


Hi! I'm looking to upgrade my i7 2600K platform to something better. I mainly game (RDR2, TruckersMP, GTA V, WarThunder). I have a 1070 that I don't intend to swap right now. I'm looking at the used market right now, my budget is 70.000HUF ( 177USD ). I need RAM, a CPU and a motherboard, possibly with it's stock cooler.

These are my only options in my city:

Intel Core i5-9500 + Asrock H310CM-DVS and I get the cooler and RAM from somewhere else = 101 USD


Qiyida E5 A99 + Xeon E5-2680 v4 + cooler + 32Gb DDR4 = 132 USD


Which one should I choose? According to benchmarks the Xeon is better, but both of them is significantly better than my 2600K. Sadly no 2nd or 3rd gen ryzens are for sale in my area. I don't want to order online without testing.


system out println("Please don't drop it Linus!");


Thinkpad W530 😕 


sus not cis

Some comic sans because why not


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I'd avoid the old xeon like the plague, it's old as it is and those games aren't exactly going to make great use of those 14 cores so the i5 is going to be faster in games and actually supports windows 11. Alternatively you can go for new parts. Something like this is slightly over your budget but it's all new parts.

PCPartPicker Part List: https://hu.pcpartpicker.com/list/JTwT4M

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor  (32590.00Ft @ Alza)
Motherboard: MSI B450 Gaming Plus MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard  (29990.00Ft @ Alza)
Memory: Kingston FURY Beast 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory  (8890.00Ft @ Alza)
Total: 71470.00Ft
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-12-02 12:10 CET+0100

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That is not a bad solution either, will think about it. I'll wait a few days to see if there are any better deals near me. 

system out println("Please don't drop it Linus!");


Thinkpad W530 😕 


sus not cis

Some comic sans because why not


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both of them are a complete joke and id advise you to look at used ryzen as 3600s should be going for ~50€ same goes for used midranger b450 boards like the gaming plus/tomahawk or equivalent


if your local used market is complete garbage theres also aliexpress that offers pricing similar to used albiet compared to decent used markets not as good value wise, just avoid the b450m pro4-cb boards cause unless you want to manually flash the bios over to the regular pro4 via the spi header to get proper bios support youll be stuck with outdated bioses that might not even support the 3600 or newer chips

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2 hours ago, BakaPetra said:

That is not a bad solution either, will think about it. I'll wait a few days to see if there are any better deals near me. 

yeah good used Ryzen system could work

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Feel free: To ask any question, no matter what question it is, I will try to answer. I know a lot about PCs but not everything.

current PC:

Ryzen 5 5600 |16GB DDR4 3200Mhz | B450 | GTX 1080 ti [further details on my profile]

PCs I used before:

  1. Pentium G4500 | 4GB/8GB DDR4 2133Mhz | H110 | GTX 1050
  2. Ryzen 3 1200 3,5Ghz / OC:4Ghz | 8GB DDR4 2133Mhz / 16GB 3200Mhz | B450 | GTX 1050
  3. Ryzen 3 1200 3,5Ghz | 16GB 3200Mhz | B450 | GTX 1080 ti
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