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tl460s plus and tl611 pinout found for lpc debug shenanigans, now researching on how to get postcodes out of uart based headers

just dove into this rabbit hole a couple days ago and thought it was useless info since most manuals seem to have pinouts for the headers but i figured that some boards manuals may not have pinouts or simply may not be available so might be useful to someone else digging through this rabbit hole


tl611 manual found at the bottom of the page

some tpm header pinouts

foxconn h61 tpm pinout

gigabyte h110m tpm pinout

video confirmation of pinout on the last part with an h110m ds2v 


there was also further video confirmation on a russian video testing out a tl460s plus or tl611 with an asrock am1b mdh board confirming the manuals arrow pointer thing for the 1st pin on a header (code side facing the 1st pin) but i cant find it anymore


pin 1 = Lclk

pin 2 = gnd

pin 3 = Lframe

pin 4 = empty

rest is pretty easy to figure out after that


also just gonna add this vid as it seems pretty useful but i only just found it now


this is only the big end (lpc2) so ill look for the small end later whenever i find a board that needs the small end


afaik this should work on those mini pcie cards via their lpc header which is the main reason i even researched this since its alot cheaper to buy those mini pcie cards than a tl460/tl611/tl631


now i am going to research on extracting postcode from uart based headers as the tl631 pro as seen in the first link can display postcode from com_debug uart_1 and jdp headers for newer boards


uart_1 is obviously a uart header while com debug is apparently also a uart header looking at the b660m-c manual found here as the pinout has tx and rx in the form of that sout_1 pin

confirmed by this video as the purple wire attatched to the sout_1 pin is connected to the rxd pin on the ch340


now ill have to find an example with an asrock board with that uart_1 port as im starting to suspect that you might only need rxd to get postcodes as txd on the com debug port is located at pin 6 relative to the 1st pin (side with the postcode not the one behind) and thats on the second row of pins where the uart_1 header only has 1 row of pins so ill have to get ahold of both an asus and asrock board to confirm this as i cant find anything for asrock

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