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Uncle's PC: 2nd option - cheaper option - how good will it work today?



A few days ago I posted this topic: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1588139-building-my-uncle-an-htpc-is-this-build-ok/



I am planning to build my uncle a simple HTPC to replace his very old PC.


Now that I found an A320M motherboard lying around, I thought - maybe he doesn't need 5500GT at all? Might be overkill for him.


I then thought about this build instead: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/QgNnQd (Note that there is no SSD just to compare 1:1 to the other build, but with the difference in price I am planning to get a new nvme as well)


This way, I can get him an NVME instead of the shitty SATA SSD he currently has.


I'm just not sure how will the 3200G perform nowadays (He obviously doesn't do intensive stuff, but still it's only 4 cores)



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