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The new fans for my legion 5 just arrived and I´m trying to find out how to get them work out, the cpu fans of my legion 5 have been doing this weird sounds like they are hitting something and sometimes they stop spining at atll, so I bought some new, I plugged them in but they don´t work when I turn on the laptop, if anyone knows what I can do to fix this, pls help me.

Here´s the link to the fans that I bought: https://www.ebay.com/itm/155529189201?hash=item2436431751:g:8fcAAOSwai9kTT8Z&var=455768895591

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The fact that neither works seems suspect to me.

Unplug and replug and plug in old fan to verify they still turn on, if they do, then you know there is a fan issue.


Also manually spin the fans to ensure they aren't bound up, but again both having that issue would be strange

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