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My main PC is currently dual-booting Windows, and one of the instances allows me to use HDR with my monitor, and one doesn't allow me to use it at all. To cover my basis in terms of questions, I am using this HDMI Cable, I have this LG Monitor, and I am using this 7900XTX. I have tried looking in the OSD for a setting on my monitor, but that hasn't helped. I have confirmed I am also on the most recent drivers for my graphics card. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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2 hours ago, AlisonRae said:

My main PC is currently dual-booting Windows

Are you dual booting the same version and flavor of Windows ?

Are your Windows fully updated ?

2 hours ago, AlisonRae said:

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

On the Windows that do not allow HDR, did you try using DDU and reinstalling the graphics drivers ?

This almost certainly a software problem since you can use HDR with your other boot with the exact same hardware.


Good luck !

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