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Anti Lag and FPS cap ?


Quick question, if I have FPS cap at 58fps, on my Freesync 60hz TV, should I turn on Anti Lag ? 


Because honestly, I didn't notice any difference in input latency, but CPU usage is increased by a good few %. 


So I wonder if that useful at all, and if Anti Lag 2 (Propably in 24.9.1) will be actually doing anything 😅

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1 hour ago, EdoTensei said:

Quick question, if I have FPS cap at 58fps, on my Freesync 60hz TV, should I turn on Anti Lag ? 


Because honestly, I didn't notice any difference in input latency, but CPU usage is increased by a good few %. 


So I wonder if that useful at all, and if Anti Lag 2 (Propably in 24.9.1) will be actually doing anything 😅

You'll always have pretty sub par input delay if your playing on a TV anyways. Capping fps is really your choice, I'd your fine with  58 fps average you shoulf be fine, if your cpu can handle it you should probably cap it at 75hz.

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