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Can we get a follow up Short Circuit about Redux PC? They've failed me at this point.

Hey all! I was curious if anyone has chosen to use BuildRedux for their pre-built needs. After watching the Short Circuit video about them, I decided that they seemed like a good option for me. I ordered on November 13, 2020 and I have not received my order. They have not responded to any of my 3 emails. I tried to call the support phone line last week and was on hold for an hour(ish) and the line just hung up. Upon further research after ordering, I noticed a TON of people were having this issue with them specifically. Most seemed angry that they just weren't communicating what issues they were having. Granted, I assumed it was due to COVID and lack of parts, etc. But, their lack of communication with their customers is unacceptable at this point. They just put a banner on the site on Feb. 2 2021 notifying new customers. My status still sits at unfulfilled, despite receiving an email notification on Dec. 20 2020 that my order would ship in 5-10 days. I was curious if Linus had any contact with this company and possibly give an update on his impressions on the company with the issues they are having. Thanks for listening all, I just needed to share in case anyone was thinking about ordering. 

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Thats 4 months, I would have started my chargeback process after a month tops. I suggest you to do that ASAP.

mY sYsTeM iS Not pErfoRmInG aS gOOd As I sAW oN yOuTuBe. WhA t IS a GoOd FaN CuRVe??!!? wHat aRe tEh GoOd OvERclok SeTTinGS FoR My CaRd??  HoW CaN I foRcE my GpU to uSe 1o0%? BuT WiLL i HaVE Bo0tllEnEcKs? RyZEN dOeS NoT peRfORm BetTer wItH HiGhER sPEED RaM!!dId i WiN teH SiLiCON LotTerrYyOu ShoUlD dEsHrOuD uR GPUmy SYstEm iS UNDerPerforMiNg iN WarzONEcan mY Pc Run WiNdOwS 11 ?woUld BaKInG MY GRaPHics card fIX it? MultimETeR TeSTiNG!! aMd'S GpU DrIvErS aRe as goOD aS NviDia's YOU SHoUlD oVERCloCk yOUR ramS To 5000C18


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I just had a browse on their website to see what they are offering. Some of the GPU options are "grayed out" so it looks like they will only build something if they have the stock. I wonder what parts you chose and if they are the grayed out parts.

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