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How to see if a field has an Enum applied to it? (C#)


Hey. I'm current working on a project and all has been good up until now. I need to be able to check if a field has an Enum on it. How would I do this?

Here's some of the code that I'm working with right now.


public enum Flags : byte
		SOLO_BEGIN = 16,
		SOLO_END = 32,
        	DOUBLED = 64
note.flags |= Note.Flags.DOUBLED;

Now when the statement "flags |= Note.Flags.DOUBLED;" is called, how do I retrieve this one specific enum on the field "note.flags"


So lets say I have note.flags containing:






How would I be able to check if doubled is just there at all? 


I hope this made sense in the context I gave, thanks. 

CPU: Intel Core i7 8700  

GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070


RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 2133MHz

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1 hour ago, EvilCat70 said:

So lets say I have note.flags containing:






How would I be able to check if doubled is just there at all? 


I hope this made sense in the context I gave, thanks. 

Do an AND operation on Note.Flags with the enum you want. It'll either equal the enum or 0.


EDIT: If you want to check if multiple enums exist, OR the ones you want to check for, then AND it with Notes.Flags.

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using System;

namespace FlagsTest

    internal class Program
        //Ensure [Flags] attribute to allow bitwise testing
        //Also use 1 bitshifting to ensure flags are powers of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, etc)
        public enum Flags : byte
            NONE             = (1 << 0),
            CHORD            = (1 << 1),
            EXTENDEDSUSTAIN  = (1 << 2),
            STAR_POWER       = (1 << 3),
            STAR_POWER_END   = (1 << 4),
            SOLO_BEGIN       = (1 << 5),
            SOLO_END         = (1 << 6),
            DOUBLED          = (1 << 7)
        //Older (.NET Framework pre-4.0)
        private static void testFlagsOldMethod(Flags flag) 
            var hadChord           = (flag & Flags.CHORD) == Flags.CHORD;
            var hasExtendedSustain = (flag & Flags.EXTENDEDSUSTAIN) == Flags.EXTENDEDSUSTAIN;
            var hasStarPower       = (flag & Flags.STAR_POWER) == Flags.STAR_POWER;
            var hasStarPowerEnd    = (flag & Flags.STAR_POWER_END) == Flags.STAR_POWER_END;
            var hasSoloBegin       = (flag & Flags.SOLO_BEGIN) == Flags.SOLO_BEGIN;
            var hasSoloEnd         = (flag & Flags.SOLO_END) == Flags.SOLO_END;
            var hasDoubled         = (flag & Flags.DOUBLED) == Flags.DOUBLED;
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.CHORD? {0}", hadChord);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.EXTENDEDSUSTAIN? {0}", hasExtendedSustain);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.STAR_POWER? {0}", hasStarPower);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.STAR_POWER_END? {0}", hasStarPowerEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.SOLO_BEGIN? {0}", hasSoloBegin);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.SOLO_END? {0}", hasSoloEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.DOUBLED? {0}", hasDoubled);
        //Newer (.NET Framework 4.0 and newer)
        private static void testFlagsNewMethod(Flags flag) 
            var hadChord           = flag.HasFlag(Flags.CHORD);
            var hasExtendedSustain = flag.HasFlag(Flags.EXTENDEDSUSTAIN);
            var hasStarPower       = flag.HasFlag(Flags.STAR_POWER);
            var hasStarPowerEnd    = flag.HasFlag(Flags.STAR_POWER_END);
            var hasSoloBegin       = flag.HasFlag(Flags.SOLO_BEGIN);
            var hasSoloEnd         = flag.HasFlag(Flags.SOLO_END);
            var hasDoubled         = flag.HasFlag(Flags.DOUBLED);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.CHORD? {0}", hadChord);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.EXTENDEDSUSTAIN? {0}", hasExtendedSustain);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.STAR_POWER? {0}", hasStarPower);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.STAR_POWER_END? {0}", hasStarPowerEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.SOLO_BEGIN? {0}", hasSoloBegin);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.SOLO_END? {0}", hasSoloEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("Flag.DOUBLED? {0}", hasDoubled);

        public static void Main(string[] args) {
            var testFlags = Flags.NONE;
            testFlags |= Flags.DOUBLED;
            testFlags |= Flags.STAR_POWER;


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