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Syncing RGB fans / individually addressable LED strip with MBO RGB headers

This guide will allow you to sync most individually addressable LED strip with motherboard RGB headers. Most RGB fans use individually addressable LEDs. I have only tested this with Corsair SP120 fans and WS2812 LED strip. However it should work just fine with other fans/LED strip, as long as you know the control protocol used by the LEDs in the fan. I know the HD120 fans are also compatible with this, as they use WS2812 LEDs.


Before I start, I should say that this worked for me, it won't necessarily work for you and its your responsibility if you break stuff. If you don't own a multi meter, this project is probably not for you, as it requires a fair degree of electronics understanding, and a multimeter will be invaluable to make sure you have the circuit which steps down the voltage from the Aura header working correctly. You WILL break your micro controller if this circuit is not working correctly.


Be warned, I have only tested this using Asus Aura RGB headers. Trying to use the exact same circuit with other RGB headers, without first verifying they output the same voltages as Aura headers, or adpting the circuit as required, you have a very real possibility of breaking something. If your lucky it will be your circuit/microcontroller. If not, at the very least your RGB header will be broken, possibly the entire Aura circuitry and maybe something more serious.


Anyway, with all that out the way:

There are three main elements to this project: The Arduino to Fan LED interface, the Aura to arduino interface, and the (optional) push buttons on the case to control the lighting modes.


I started with the LEDs.

The SP120 fans I used have a 4pin led connector that has 4 wires: 5v, Data in, Data out and ground.

Data in and data out work by when the fan receives new colour information on data in, it sends the previous information out on the data out line. So by connecting the data in of one fan to the data out of another, a chain of leds is formed.

The fan hub inside the case does this for you. It provides 5v power to each fan, and connects the data out of fan 1 to the data in of fan 2 etc. The data in of the first fan is connected to the 3 pin header that goes to the SP lighting controller (the smaller box with 3 buttons). Whilst each SP120 fan contains 4 physical leds, they are all linked, so each fan functions as if it is a single led on an individually addressable strip :(. (I believe the HD120 fans also have the same pin out and controller/hub setup, except they use a different LED control protocol, and have 12 leds per fan that are each individually controllable.) I have no idea about other fans, such as Thermaltake and NZXT etc, but this guide should serve as a basis for getting something up and running.


You will need to disconnect the sp ligthing controller from the hub, and use a multimeter to work out the pinout of the 3 pin connector. The pins are 5v, ground and signal. The signal line floats at around 0.5v ish when the hub is powered. You can use a standard 3 way header to connect to the hub easily, or just cut the cable off the sp lighting controller. Although if you don't do this, you can maintain warranty on everything. Mine is still in pristine condition, and could be RMAed with no questions asked.


After you have run the wires out of the hub, connect the signal and ground wires to the arduino. You will need some basic testing code to check the LEDs are working properly. You will need the FastLED library to make interfacing easy, and the SP120 fans use UCS1903 chips, (HD120/140 use WS2812.) There are plenty of tutorials online about how to use FastLED. Be aware that the fans rgb channels are different to the channels in FastLED. For my fans at least, I found that red in software displayed blue, green displayed red, and blue displayed green. This isn't a big deal and can be easily dealt with, as FastLED has the option to change the colour order for each LED strip.


After you have the LEDs working to your satisfaction, it is time to move onto the RGB header interface.


The 4 pin Aura RGB header is quite simple. There are 12v, red, green and blue pins. The 12v is connected to the 12v rail of the psu. The voltage on the other pins is varied between 0.5 and 12v to change the brightness of the Red, green and blue channels of the leds.


This can be relatively easily fed into an anlogue pin of the arduino, however a couple of steps are needed first:

1: Due to the headers being designed to drive leds at constant current, The pin voltages will not behave as expected unless there is load on the header. I used 3x 220ohm resistors connected between each of the red, green and blue pins are the 12v pin to create 'dummy' load, and make the header output voltages correctly.

2: Connecting the Red, green and blue channels directly to analogue pins on the arduino would end badly, as the pins can have voltages of up to 12v, Arduino pins can only handle a maximum of 5v. To step the voltage down use a pair of resistors to scale the voltage so its a maximum of 5v. I can't remember the exact values I used, however I had to settle for a max voltage of 4.9v, as that is the best I could do with what I had in stock at the time. The ratio of resistors I used was 2.8 To achieve this, I used a 2.7k plus 100r in series and a 1k. If you can replicate this, you should be able to straight up reuse my code. After you have sorted this out, check the max voltage coming out of the divider to make sure it is not more than 5v, try this with white, red, green, blue and off all set in Aura software make sure to check each of the red, green and blue channels. Then connect the voltage divider to the arduino. I discovered that a 100nF capacitor was required between each analogue pin of the arduino and ground to stabilize the voltage, and stop the LEDs flickering between colors.

I did all this prototpying on a breadboard.


Next some maths needs to be done to sort out the scaling the vales correctly. If you have the same voltage ratio as me, there is no need to do any of this, just program my code to the Arduino.


My case (Corsair 460x) had 3x momentary push buttons on the top for the stock SP120 fan controller. I re-purposed these to control my lighting controller. I connected them to the arduino with pull down resistors. I used 10k pull downs, and connected one to act as a reset switch for the arduino. This combined with a modified USB cable connected to an internal header allowed me to re-program the arduino without even having to open the computer.


In terms of the Arduino, I used an Adafruit Trinket pro 5v, due to its small size and USB capability which allows in-situ re-programming with my internal usb header to micro USB cable.


I have posted the code I used in the spoiler at the bottom. Some details such as the numbers of LEDs in each strip and the number of fans will need to be changed to get the code working properly with your specific led setup. I have also included a list of what needs to be connected to each pin for my code to work properly. My code has the ability to drive 2x LED strips, (one for internal lighting and one for IO area lighting) and a corsair fan hub with up to 6 SP120 fans. The code will support 6xHD120/140 fans if you make one small change that is detailed in the comments. 

Two of the switches on the to of the case cycle through the control modes listed below for the 2 LED strips. More modes and strips can be added with minimal effort is you so desire.






Color cycle - this also changes the color of the SP120 fans.






Colour cycle


The fans are synced to Aura whenever the internal lighting is NOT set to color cycle.


Despite being designed to work on the Trinket, the code should work with any standard design arduino such as the uno, as long as you connect everything to the right pins. Feel free to use/modify this code as you see fit, there really isn't anything special about it.


Good luck, and let me know if you need anything further explained, or have any improvements to make to this guide.




//Set this to the number of fans if using SP fans or 12*num fans if using HD fans
#define NUM_FAN_LEDS 3

//Set this to the number of LEDs in internal LED strip
#define NUM_LED_STRIP 112

//Set this to number of LEDs in IO area LED strip.
#define NUM_LEDS_IO 25

#define FAN_PIN 6
#define INTERNAL_PIN 3
#define IO_PIN 1


//Change these to change the default option for each LED strip.
//0 = off, 1= white, 2=Aura, 3= Colour cycle.
short ioLedMode = 2;
short internalStripMode = 1;

//Hue to use in colour cycle mode.
uint32_t hue = 0;

void setup() {
  //LED setup code, to initialise FastLED.

  //Fan LED setup. Replace 'UICS1903' with 'WS2812' if using HD fans. Leave if using SP fans.
  //BRG is added to change order of data transmission to SP fans. Change if fans do not output correct colours.
  FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, FAN_PIN, BRG>(leds, NUM_FAN_LEDS);

  //LED strip setup. Change 'WS2812' if using different LED strip.
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, INTERNAL_PIN>(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP);
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, IO_PIN>(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO);

   //Setting switch pins to inputs
   pinMode(5, INPUT);
   pinMode(4, INPUT);

void loop() {
  //Read input switches.
  int ioVal = digitalRead(5);
  int intVal = digitalRead(4);

  //Process IO LED switch
  if (ioVal == LOW){
    if (ioLedMode > 3){
      ioLedMode = 0;
    //Debounce switch
    while (digitalRead(5) == LOW){}

  //Process internal LED switch
  if (intVal == LOW){
    if (internalStripMode > 3){
      internalStripMode = 0;
    //Debounce switch
    while (digitalRead(4) == LOW){}

  //Read analogue values from pins connected to Aura header.
  int red = analogRead(2);
  int green = analogRead(0);
  int blue = analogRead(1);

  //Modify the 0-1023 value from analogue read to 0-255 for use with FastLED.
  double redTemp = red - 17.;
  double greenTemp = green - 17;
  double blueTemp = blue - 17;

  redTemp = redTemp / 2.24;
  blueTemp = blueTemp / 2.24;
  greenTemp = greenTemp / 2.24;

  int redToLED = 255 - redTemp;
  int greenToLED = 255 - greenTemp;
  int blueToLED = 255 - blueTemp;

  //Check if each of the RGB values is outisde the range 0-255, and if so set it to 0/255.
  //Values outside this range make FastLED behave strangely.
  if (redToLED > 255){
    redToLED = 255;
  } else if (redToLED < 0){
    redToLED = 0;
    if (blueToLED > 255){
    blueToLED = 255;
  } else if (blueToLED < 0){
    blueToLED = 0;
    if (greenToLED > 255){
    greenToLED = 255;
  } else if (greenToLED < 0){
    greenToLED = 0;

  //Sync fans with aura.
  fill_solid(leds, NUM_FAN_LEDS, CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED));

  //Set internal LED strip lighting depending on value of internalStripMode
  CRGB internalColor = 0;
   if (internalStripMode ==0){
    internalColor = CRGB(0,0,0);
  }else if (internalStripMode ==1){
    internalColor = CRGB(255,255,255);
  }else if (internalStripMode == 2){
    internalColor = CRGB(greenToLED, redToLED, blueToLED);

  //Set io LED strip lighting depending on value of ioLedMode
  CRGB ioColour;
  if (ioLedMode ==0){
    ioColour = CRGB(0,0,0);
  }else if (ioLedMode ==1){
    ioColour = CRGB(255,255,255);
  }else if (ioLedMode == 2){
    ioColour = CRGB(greenToLED, redToLED, blueToLED);

//Change hue for colour cycle mode.
hue = hue - 1;

//If colour cylce mode for internal strip, fill internal strip with rainbow.
if (internalStripMode == 3){
    fill_rainbow(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, hue/2, 2);

//Set the fans to colours. Change the values 70,85 and 111 so the fans matchup with the LEDs in your case if desired.
  leds[2].r = leds2[70].r;
  leds[2].g = leds2[70].g;
  leds[2].b = leds2[70].b;
  leds[1].r = leds2[85].r;
  leds[1].g = leds2[85].g;
  leds[1].b = leds2[85].b;
  leds[0].r = leds2[111].r;
  leds[0].g = leds2[111].g;
  leds[0].b = leds2[111].b;
  //Otherwise fill LED strip with solid colour depending on value of internalColour. The fans are left synced with Aura.
  fill_solid(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, internalColor);

//Same as above if statement, except for the IO area LED strip. The fans are left synced with Aura no matter the mode.
  if (ioLedMode ==3){
    //Hue is divided by 2, due to there being fewer LEDs.
fill_rainbow(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO, hue/2, 10);
 fill_solid(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO, ioColour);

  //Send the colour data to the LEDs/fans.


Pin connections:



Fan data: PD6

Internal LED strip data: PD3

IO LED strip: PD1

Internal strip mode switch: PD4

IO strip mode switch PD5

Red Aura channel: A2

Green Aura channel: A0

Blue Aura channel: A1;


These connections can be changed. You will just need to update the code to reflect these changes.




Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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Some updated code with new color chaser effects, and slightly improved color cycle setup. I will add on-the fly changes to color cycle and chase speed soon.


#include <FastLED.h>

//Set this to the number of fans if using SP fans or 12*num fans if using HD fans
#define NUM_FAN_LEDS 3

//Set this to the number of LEDs in internal LED strip
#define NUM_LED_STRIP 112

//Set this to number of LEDs in IO area LED strip.
#define NUM_LEDS_IO 25

//Pins which LEDs are on.
#define FAN_PIN 6
#define INTERNAL_PIN 3
#define IO_PIN 1

//Number of LEDs lit in each wave in the chase modes.
//Must be even
#define NUM_GRAD 12

//Value to use to slow down the chase modes. Speed of chase is divided by CHASE_DIV.
#define CHASE_DIV 10


//Change these to change the default option for each LED strip.
//0 = off, 1= white, 2=Aura, 3= Colour cycle.
short ioLedMode = 1;
//Internal only: 4=Single colour chase, 5 = dual colour chase + fans.
short internalStripMode = 5;

//Hue to use in colour cycle mode.
uint32_t hue = 0;

//Direction, position and divisor variables for thecolour chase modes.
int32_t dir = +1;
int32_t dir1 = -1;
int16_t pos = 0;
int16_t pos1 = NUM_LED_STRIP;
uint16_t count = 0;

void setup() {
  //LED setup code, to initialise FastLED.

  //Fan LED setup. Replace 'UICS1903' with 'WS2812' if using HD fans. Leave if using SP fans.
  //BRG is added to change order of data transmission to SP fans. Change if fans do not output correct colours.
  FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, FAN_PIN, BRG>(leds, NUM_FAN_LEDS);

  //LED strip setup. Change 'WS2812' if using different LED strip.
  //GRB is added for same reason as above. Change as required.
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, INTERNAL_PIN, GRB>(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP);
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812, IO_PIN, GRB>(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO);

  //Setting switch pins to inputs
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);

void loop() {

  //Read input switches.
  int ioVal = digitalRead(5);
  int intVal = digitalRead(4);

  //Process IO LED switch
  if (ioVal == LOW) {
    if (ioLedMode > 3) {
      ioLedMode = 0;
    //Debounce switch
    while (digitalRead(5) == LOW) {}

  //Process internal LED switch
  if (intVal == LOW) {
    //Reset chaniging variables for colour cyle and chase modes to defaults.
    hue = 0;

    dir = +1;
    dir1 = -1;
    pos = 0;
    pos1 = NUM_LED_STRIP;
    count = 0;

    if (internalStripMode > 5) {
      internalStripMode = 0;
    //Debounce switch
    while (digitalRead(4) == LOW) {}

  //Read analogue values from pins connected to Aura header.
  int red = analogRead(2);
  int green = analogRead(0);
  int blue = analogRead(1);

  //Modify the 0-1023 value from analogue read to 0-255 for use with FastLED.
  double redTemp = red - 17.;
  double greenTemp = green - 17;
  double blueTemp = blue - 17;

  redTemp = redTemp / 2.24;
  blueTemp = blueTemp / 2.24;
  greenTemp = greenTemp / 2.24;

  int redToLED = 255 - redTemp;
  int greenToLED = 255 - greenTemp;
  int blueToLED = 255 - blueTemp;

  //Check if each of the RGB values is outisde the range 0-255, and if so set it to 0/255.
  //Values outside this range make FastLED behave strangely.
  if (redToLED > 255) {
    redToLED = 255;
  } else if (redToLED < 0) {
    redToLED = 0;
  if (blueToLED > 255) {
    blueToLED = 255;
  } else if (blueToLED < 0) {
    blueToLED = 0;
  if (greenToLED > 255) {
    greenToLED = 255;
  } else if (greenToLED < 0) {
    greenToLED = 0;

  //Sync fans with aura.
  fill_solid(leds, NUM_FAN_LEDS, CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED));

  //Set internal LED strip lighting depending on value of internalStripMode
  CRGB internalColor = 0;
  if (internalStripMode == 0) {
    internalColor = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
  } else if (internalStripMode == 1) {
    internalColor = CRGB(255, 255, 255);
  } else if (internalStripMode == 2) {
    internalColor = CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED);

  //Set io LED strip lighting depending on value of ioLedMode
  CRGB ioColour;
  if (ioLedMode == 0) {
    ioColour = CRGB(0, 0, 0);
  } else if (ioLedMode == 1) {
    ioColour = CRGB(255, 255, 255);
  } else if (ioLedMode == 2) {
    ioColour = CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED);

  //Change hue for colour cycle mode.
  hue = hue - 1;

  //If colour cylce mode for internal strip, fill internal strip with rainbow and set fans.
  if (internalStripMode == 3) {

    fill_rainbow(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, hue / 2, 2);

    //Set the fans to colours. Change the values 86,94 and 102 so the fans matchup with the LEDs in your case if desired.
    //Use the commented line in the else statement and the off mode to light one LED to work out these numbers for your own setup.
    leds[2].r = leds2[86].r;
    leds[2].g = leds2[86].g;
    leds[2].b = leds2[86].b;

    leds[1].r = leds2[94].r;
    leds[1].g = leds2[94].g;
    leds[1].b = leds2[94].b;

    leds[0].r = leds2[102].r;
    leds[0].g = leds2[102].g;
    leds[0].b = leds2[102].b;

  //Single chaser mode.
  else if (internalStripMode == 4) {
    //Turn all LEDs off
    fill_solid(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, CRGB(0, 0, 0));;

    //Fill NUM_GRAD leds with gradient, starting at effect position. Direction depends on wheter dir is +/-.
    if (dir > 0) {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos, CRGB(0, 0, 0), pos + NUM_GRAD, CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED));
    else {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos, CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED), pos + NUM_GRAD, CRGB(0, 0, 0));

    //Increment the counter, and only update the pos when the counter is above a threshold.
    //Change CHASE_DIV to alter the speed of the effect.
    if (count > CHASE_DIV) {
      count = 0;
      pos = pos + dir;

    //If the position of the effect runs off either run of the strip, reverse the direction of the effect.
    if (pos < 0) {
      dir = +1;
      pos = 0;
    else if (pos > NUM_LED_STRIP - NUM_GRAD - 1) {
      dir = -1;

  //Dual chase with fan sync mode.
  else if (internalStripMode == 5) {
    //Colour of the chase. Currently synced to Aura.
    CRGB onCol = CRGB(redToLED, greenToLED, blueToLED);
    //Background colour of the strip and fans.
    CRGB bgCol = CRGB(20, 0, 0);
    //Colour for the end of the chase tail. Leave as black for best results.
    CRGB offCol = CRGB(0, 0, 0);

    //Set all LEDs to background colour so as to start with a clean sheet.
    fill_solid(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, bgCol);

    //Fill NUM_GRAD leds with gradient, starting at effect position. Direction depends on wheter dir is +/-.
    if (dir > 0) {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos, offCol, pos + NUM_GRAD, onCol);
    else {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos, onCol, pos + NUM_GRAD, offCol);

    //Reapeat of above if statement for 2nd tail.
    if (dir1 > 0) {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos1, offCol, pos1 + NUM_GRAD, onCol);
    else {
      fill_gradient_RGB(leds2, pos1, onCol, pos1 + NUM_GRAD, offCol);

    //Set the fans to colours of corresponding LED strip. Change the values 86,94 and 102 so the fans matchup with the LEDs in your case if desired.
    //Use the commented line in the else statement below and the off mode to light one LED to work out these numbers for your own setup.
    leds[2].r = leds2[86].r;
    leds[2].g = leds2[86].g;
    leds[2].b = leds2[86].b;

    leds[1].r = leds2[94].r;
    leds[1].g = leds2[94].g;
    leds[1].b = leds2[94].b;

    leds[0].r = leds2[102].r;
    leds[0].g = leds2[102].g;
    leds[0].b = leds2[102].b;

    //Increamtn counter etc. Same as above.
    if (count > 10) {
      count = 0;
      pos = pos + dir;
      pos1 = pos1 + dir1;

    //Check if pos has ran off the end of LED strip. Same as above.
    if (pos < 0) {
      dir = +1;
      pos = 0;
    else if (pos > NUM_LED_STRIP - NUM_GRAD - 1) {
      dir = -1;

    //Repeat of above if statemen, excpt for tail 2.
    if (pos1 < 0) {
      dir1 = +1;
      pos1 = 0;
    else if (pos1 > NUM_LED_STRIP - NUM_GRAD - 1) {
      dir1 = -1;


  //No special effect mode selected, so fill LED strip with solid colour depending on value of internalColour. The fans are left synced with Aura.
  else {
    fill_solid(leds2, NUM_LED_STRIP, internalColor);

    //Use this line to work out the positions on LEDs relative to fans for color cycle mode.
    //  leds2[102] = CRGB(255,255,255);

  //Same as above if statement, except for the IO area LED strip. The fans are left synced with Aura no matter the mode.
  if (ioLedMode == 3) {
    //Hue is divided by 2, due to there being fewer LEDs.
    fill_rainbow(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO, hue / 2, 10);
  } else {
    fill_solid(leds3, NUM_LEDS_IO, ioColour);

  //Send the colour data to the LEDs/fans.



Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im trying to recreate your setup to make every led i have controlled through aura sync, how do I connect the load resistors? Just 220Ohm to the 12volt rail?

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13 minutes ago, Kevin1Smid said:

Im trying to recreate your setup to make every led i have controlled through aura sync, how do I connect the load resistors? Just 220Ohm to the 12volt rail?

You need 3 resistors, and they should be connected as so:

12v to R

12v to G

12v to B


There should be a 12v pin on each aura header of your MBO. My crosshair vi hero has +12v, G,R,B pins on each aura header. Use those not the 12v PSU rail, as it will make sure to properly load the header. See pic (sorry about my bad drawing.)


Be sure to post a pic/video when you are done.

2017-10-29 01.22.37.jpg

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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Could I use 330 ohm instead of 220 as i dont have any 220ohm resistors here :(, I mainly have loads in the 10k plus range

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Just now, Kevin1Smid said:

Could I use 330 ohm instead of 220 as i dont have any 220ohm resistors here :(, I mainly have loads in the 10k plus range

Yeah 330ohm should be fine. I just used 220ohm as they were the only 1Watt resistors I had in that range. Just make sure they are at least 0.5W, as otherwise they will overheat.

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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I dont have any power resistors around, would putting 4 1kOhm 0.25 watt resistors in parallel work?

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13 minutes ago, Kevin1Smid said:

I dont have any power resistors around, would putting 4 1kOhm 0.25 watt resistors in parallel work?

Yeah that will work fine. 

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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hello dunno if its good section to ask that i have asus z270e strix it have rgb headers can i change the headers to accept addressable and controlled by aura with this?

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6 hours ago, lef1337 said:

hello dunno if its good section to ask that i have asus z270e strix it have rgb headers can i change the headers to accept addressable and controlled by aura with this?

Yes. That is the exact premise of this guide. 

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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  • 5 months later...

Could you post a video of how it looks when controlled with Aura? Actually wanna see the rainbow mode working on those fans with Aura.

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On 4/19/2018 at 8:00 PM, GeneralStark said:

Could you post a video of how it looks when controlled with Aura? Actually wanna see the rainbow mode working on those fans with Aura.


Ill put this in the OP as well. Man my rig's changed a bit since I filmed this. Although the RBG modes are basically the same still.


Ill repload this, YT is being annoying

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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HI....    i'm looking forward to do a similar thing...


I'm using a ROG Strix Z370 F motherboard...   and all lighting in the computer is on Aura Sinc

I want to add Corsair HD Fans to light up the computer more.


My idea is this..   Corsair HD120 (140) fans got the LED WS2812 type, so the LED's are 5V!!!   "directly" i can't use a RGB header because it's 12V...

But the Motherboard has also a 4-1 pin ADD_HEADER - Addressable RGB header with 5V output....   Sooo...   is this pin usable for controlling the RGB from the Fans thru Aura ???























That would be a great solution for me if the pin outputs work with the LED's!  So the Corsair commander or whatever could be ditched.

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On 4/20/2018 at 10:10 PM, miha929 said:

HI....    i'm looking forward to do a similar thing...


I'm using a ROG Strix Z370 F motherboard...   and all lighting in the computer is on Aura Sinc

I want to add Corsair HD Fans to light up the computer more.


My idea is this..   Corsair HD120 (140) fans got the LED WS2812 type, so the LED's are 5V!!!   "directly" i can't use a RGB header because it's 12V...

But the Motherboard has also a 4-1 pin ADD_HEADER - Addressable RGB header with 5V output....   Sooo...   is this pin usable for controlling the RGB from the Fans thru Aura ???























That would be a great solution for me if the pin outputs work with the LED's!  So the Corsair commander or whatever could be ditched.

Yep. It'll work perfectly. Asus addressable headers output for WS2812 LEDs, so the HD fans are 100% compatible. You'll still need the hub to power the fans and chain them together, but you can ditch the corsair control. Basically connect the middle pin of the 3-pin connector on the RGB hub (data in connector, normally connects to the corsair controller) to the data pin on the MBO. The ground will be connected through the power supply, but you can connect it if you want. Basically follow the relevant part of the guide above, related to connecting the fan hub to the arduino. The only issue might be the number of LEDs the header supports. Power supply is not an issue due to the RGB hub, but the header only outputs data to at max 120 leds. Make sure you are using at least v1.05.38 of asus aura as in previous versions the limit was 60 leds and that will cause one fan to not light up.


You could potentially use the Aura SDK to make some cool effects.

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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22 hours ago, unknownmiscreant said:

Yep. It'll work perfectly. Asus addressable headers output for WS2812 LEDs, so the HD fans are 100% compatible. You'll still need the hub to power the fans and chain them together, but you can ditch the corsair control. Basically connect the middle pin of the 3-pin connector on the RGB hub (data in connector, normally connects to the corsair controller) to the data pin on the MBO. The ground will be connected through the power supply, but you can connect it if you want. Basically follow the relevant part of the guide above, related to connecting the fan hub to the arduino. The only issue might be the number of LEDs the header supports. Power supply is not an issue due to the RGB hub, but the header only outputs data to at max 120 leds. Make sure you are using at least v1.05.38 of asus aura as in previous versions the limit was 60 leds and that will cause one fan to not light up.


You could potentially use the Aura SDK to make some cool effects.

Ok....   good news for my project....


so the GND is provided thru the Sata connector....   Data pin in the middle to the Data pin on the MoBo...   what's with the 5V??  

Is it needed??


Or is it yust for the small remote to get power (corsair remote for speed color,... of the fans) 

i disasembled the thing...  to get the cable and original connector for the RGB splitter...   and soldered a RGB connector to connect easy to the MoBo...


i'm doing all the mechanical stuff in work....   beacause at home i don't have the tools for that....



I will try i't at home...   and keep you posted if someboddy wants to se the result later...

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13 minutes ago, miha929 said:

Ok....   good news for my project.... snip

5v power for the leds in the fans is provided by the SATA connector. The ground is connected through the powersupply, so not really necessary to connect to the header. You only need to connect the data pin from the MBO to the middle pin of the RGB splitter.


Definitely post your results. For first test, I would recommend only having 1 fan plugged in, just in case something's not working right. 

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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Sooo......   project completed....

first...   Computer specifications:

Intel core i7-8700k  (OC to 4,8GHz)

Asus strix 1080 OC

G.skill trident z RGB 2X8 GB (3200MHz)

Asus Z370 F-gaming

Samsung 960 PRO 512GB, 960 EVO 1TB

Corsair RM850X white

Fractial design meshify C TG

Noctua NH D15 + Noctua Case fans 4x120-2x140 (NF-F12, NF-A15)





Them the RGB "update"

CPU Cooling swaped to NZXT Kraken X52

Radiator and Case Fans swaped to Corsair HD 3x120-2x140





All Fans were connected to the RGB Hub, and the Hub remote was dissasembled and the cable is used to connect the Hub to the motherboard ADD header (the ADD connector Data pin -works with the HD fan LED-s)






So all lighting (except the NZXT pump ring and logo) can be synced thru Asus Aura




And it works like a dream (except the NZXT Cam software- that suchs....  -..-   )


Cheers  ?




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On 4/28/2018 at 7:36 PM, miha929 said:

Sooo......   project completed.... snip




Looking good. If your feeling adventurous, you could probably take apart you AIO and run that off an aura header as well. Heck, you could potentially run the pump off a fan header and dump CAM altogether. Find a guide though, as I have never owned, yet alone taken apart a AIO. I use the BIOS to run the curves for all my fans and pump. Works much better than the multitude of windows fan utilities available. 

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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7 hours ago, unknownmiscreant said:

Looking good. If your feeling adventurous, you could probably take apart you AIO and run that off an aura header as well. Heck, you could potentially run the pump off a fan header and dump CAM altogether. Find a guide though, as I have never owned, yet alone taken apart a AIO. I use the BIOS to run the curves for all my fans and pump. Works much better than the multitude of windows fan utilities available. 

Hi...   the pump is already runing of the CPU fan header...   and al the fans are going thru fan headers on the MoBo...   not the Kraken prowidet splitter...  

so the speeds can be controled from

Bios or Fan xpert4

it's just the lighting from the pump....   thers little i formation if the LED-s are 12 or 5V

hitch pinns from the pump are going for the lighting.... 


thats a big one now  ?

maybee il try

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17 minutes ago, miha929 said:

Hi...   the pump is already runing of the CPU fan header...   and al the fans are going thru fan headers on the MoBo...   not the Kraken prowidet splitter...  

so the speeds can be controled from

Bios or Fan xpert4

it's just the lighting from the pump....   thers little i formation if the LED-s are 12 or 5V

hitch pinns from the pump are going for the lighting.... 


thats a big one now  ?

maybee il try

Idk how AIO's work, I've only done custom loop. I have absolutely no idea about the innards of any AIO or the lights. 


The lighting in the pump will be controlled by the internal circuit which interfaces (I assume via USB,) to he motherboard and the CAM software. However I have never bothered researching AIOs so don't have a clue about them. You'll need to find a guide to taking the unit apart online, and then try work out what sort of LEDs are in the unit. You'll need a multimeter for that.


Either way I would recommend controlling fans and pump through the BIOS and uninstalling AI Suite/fan xpert. My experience greatly improved when I started running all my fans from the BIOS. I'm sorry I can't be much more help than this.

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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At this moment i’m using asus rog maximus X formula. 

With ntxz kraken x62

2 Corsair rgb fan LL140 + 6 corsair rgb fan LL120.

all corsair fan connected to corsair hub, Then i connected to corsair commander pro as the MOBO not enough fan power cable. So i pluggin all fan power to the corsair commander pro. 


If i want to connect to asus aura pro. I should connect 3 pin cable from commander pro to the MOBO? 

There is 2 5v pin on the mobo ( RGB WS2812B). 

Should i plugin my commander pro to this pin ? So I can controled with my asus aura for all rgb fan ? 

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1 hour ago, Kayanaphotographybalk said:

At this moment i’m using asus rog maximus X formula. 

With ntxz kraken x62

2 Corsair rgb fan LL140 + 6 corsair rgb fan LL120.

all corsair fan connected to corsair hub, Then i connected to corsair commander pro as the MOBO not enough fan power cable. So i pluggin all fan power to the corsair commander pro. 


If i want to connect to asus aura pro. I should connect 3 pin cable from commander pro to the MOBO? 

There is 2 5v pin on the mobo ( RGB WS2812B). 

Should i plugin my commander pro to this pin ? So I can controled with my asus aura for all rgb fan ? 

Do not connect the commander pro to the motherboard RGB header that break something. To sync the RGB with Aura, basically follow the steps taken above. It may be slightly different for LL fans, idk as I have never owned any. Send some close up photos of the fans connected to the commander and rgb hug (if you have one) then I can try tell you what you need to connect to what.

Sync RGB fans with motherboard RGB header.


Main rig:

Ryzen 7 1700x (4.05GHz)


16GB G. Skill Flare X 3466MHz CL14

Crosshair VI Hero

EK Supremacy Evo

EVGA SuperNova 850 G2

Intel 540s 240GB, Intel 520 240GB + WD Black 500GB

Corsair Crystal Series 460x

Asus Strix Soar



Dell E6430s

i7-3520M + On board GPU

16GB 1600MHz DDR3.

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4 hours ago, unknownmiscreant said:

Do not connect the commander pro to the motherboard RGB header that break something. To sync the RGB with Aura, basically follow the steps taken above. It may be slightly different for LL fans, idk as I have never owned any. Send some close up photos of the fans connected to the commander and rgb hug (if you have one) then I can try tell you what you need to connect to what.

@unknownmiscreant. Thank you so much for your time to reply my questions. 

Here is pictures of my setup. 

1st image to show you how i put the RGB fan. 2-140mm i put on the radiator (on top pics) and i plugin on mobo fan pin (using 2 pin) near from the processor area. 

On commander pro, there is usb pin plugin in there. Its from the ntxz x62. As i already use the usb 2.0 connector on mobo for the commander ( please advise if i’m wrong) as on maximus X only have 1 usb 2.0 on the mobo. 

at the corsair hub, i plugin only 5 this moment. 2 from 140mm fan and the other 3 from 120mm fan ( all LL series fan ). At this moment i still not plugin the other 3 120mm LL at the front panel. 







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12 hours ago, unknownmiscreant said:

Idk how AIO's work, I've only done custom loop. I have absolutely no idea about the innards of any AIO or the lights. 


The lighting in the pump will be controlled by the internal circuit which interfaces (I assume via USB,) to he motherboard and the CAM software. However I have never bothered researching AIOs so don't have a clue about them. You'll need to find a guide to taking the unit apart online, and then try work out what sort of LEDs are in the unit. You'll need a multimeter for that.


Either way I would recommend controlling fans and pump through the BIOS and uninstalling AI Suite/fan xpert. My experience greatly improved when I started running all my fans from the BIOS. I'm sorry I can't be much more help than this.

Ok...   you got some good advice for the "fan Curve" in the Bios ??



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2 hours ago, Kayanaphotographybalk said:





BTW....  Nice rig :D




So...  First you need Aura Addressable Strip Header(s)  (ADD Header)   Search for them!   They must have the same pins as mine..   5V, data, Ground - Scroll up to see how they look on my MoBo


Then.....    Disconnect the 3 pin Cable from the Commander PRO that goes to the RGB hub  ( I used the cable that goes to the small remote from the fan controller... )....   and Connect just the middle pin from the cable to the MoBo   "ADD Connector"  Data pin!!!

You only need this one to work the lighting wit Aura Sinc.


The RGB Hub has room for just 6 LED Fans....  so maybe get some connectors and Splitters, or buy a second RGB hub to connect the remaining Fan LED's... 

Parallel Solder the wire for the Data pin on the ADD connector and Cable to work with more Fan LED's and maybe 2 RGB Hub's....(  IF YOU GOT MORE ADD HEADERS!!!  USE THEM INSTEAD ).


But the Fans LED's probably wont work for them selves... because they get parallel signals... and will be the same color and Effect as the other parallel Fan ( in the case you got only 1 ADD header....  maybe this wont happen if you got more than 1 ADD header on your motherboard.  i do not know that...  because my computer has 5 Fans...  and 1 ADD connector.


Maybe you can connect the FAN POWER cables to the Splitter of the Kraken cables...  you can connect 4 fans on that...  the rest connect to the motherboard Fan Headers (Case Fan connectors)  and ditch the Commander Pro.......    :)





Keep us Posted  :D   



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