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How to customize Windows 10 to any color scheme you choose. This affects Explorer's background as well.

Grab the attached .theme file then double click the file to apply the theme. Or you can copy the following spoilered text into a .txt file and change the extension to .theme using Notepad/Wordpad.

It shouldn't affect your backgrounds. It hasn't changed mine.

If you check the text or edit the .theme after downloading, you'll see that it's just three numbers that customize the color per item. These are RGB Values. They are in RGB order (red then green then blue).

0 is none, and 255 is maximum. 0 0 0 is black. 255 255 255 is white. 255 255 0 (red and green) is yellow. 0 255 255 (green and blue) is Teal/Cyan/Turquoise/Baby Blue. 255 0 255 (red and blue) is Magenta/Purple. 170 170 170 is a darker grey while 70 70 70 is a lighter grey.

If you wish to find a color's RGB value, select it here and read the RGB value listed: http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp

Some items are obvious (like Window, which is the entire background of a window), others are not (like HotTrackingColor, which is the hotlink color, i.e. when there are links in a window to something else). Trial and error or google.

The options above the colors themselves are unknown to me, but I think they shouldn't be necessary to adjust to your desired colors.

This was found on DeviantArt.com and at http://eversins.deviantart.com/, as it mentions in the .theme file and text.

Enjoy. The one I've pasted is my default. It isn't so much about the matrix. Lime green, at least in this context, is just a nice color. 



; Copyright © Microsoft Corp.
;Theme by http://eversins.deviantart.com/
DisplayName=GreyEveTheme V2.1
[Control Panel\Desktop]
[Control Panel\Colors]
ActiveBorder=0 45 0
ActiveTitle=5 5 5
AppWorkspace=0 45 0
Background=0 0 0
ButtonAlternateFace=0 200 0
ButtonDkShadow=0 45 0
ButtonFace=0 45 0
ButtonHilight=0 90 0
ButtonLight=0 45 0
ButtonShadow=0 128 0
ButtonText=0 220 0
GradientActiveTitle=192 192 192
GradientInactiveTitle=128 128 0
GrayText=128 128 0
Hilight=50 50 50
HilightText=220 220 0
HotTrackingColor=140 110 110
InactiveBorder=45 45 0
InactiveTitle=45 45 45
InactiveTitleText=255 255 0
InfoText=220 220 0
InfoWindow=45 45 0
Menu=45 45 0
MenuBar=45 45 0
MenuHilight=0 128 128
MenuText=0 40 0
Scrollbar=45 45 0
TitleText=0 220 0
Window=0 0 0
WindowFrame=0 15 0
WindowText=0 170 0


File: dark.theme

Note that this affects all programs that use Windows' default white background. An example is that I have qBittorrent open and it's the same as File Explorer.

Here is an example of the theme I have listed. You can of course adjust it according to your preferences as I've mentioned.

I've found some menus are hard to read with these settings, but it's a work in progress for me. 90% of it works fine.

† Christian Member †

For my pertinent links to guides, reviews, and anything similar, go here, and look under the spoiler labeled such. A brief history of Unix and it's relation to OS X by Builder.



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