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LTT Folding Team's Emergency Response to Covid-19

Go to solution Solved by GOTSpectrum,

This event has ended and I recommend you guys head over to the Folding Community Board for any general folding conversation. 



Just passed over 1,000,000 points in the event! :) I'm in the top 3% of all folders (worldwide, not just the event). Amazing things you can do with a RX 580 and a couple weeks running on idle

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7 minutes ago, ObeliskAG said:

What's your sustained core clock on the Vega56?

1560 for folding at 1150mv, for gaming I run around 1590-1600 at 1125 since stability isn't as important. Due to how Vega clocks weird, when folding it bounces between 1550-1580 so I run the voltage a little higher than needed to ensure stability.

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babysitter python script

updated version by Koppa315:


# 1.0 - Original Code Belongs to @danielocdh 
# 1.1 - Added ability to check FAH Control APIs on other ports
# 1.2 - Added support for Linux Control API (Slight changes in response checks)
# 1.3 - Fix for latest version of FAH Control API and Client (7.6.9)
# 1.4 - Added @danielocdh's feedback and his local changes around !# and spacing in the substitution
# 1.5 - @danielocdh updated expected result for authentication issues
# 1.6 - Removed un-needed tEnd references to end of readResult

##                                  options                                   ##
hosts = [ #list of quoted strings, hosts or IPs, with optional colon separted port (e.g. localhost:36331), separated by comma
hostsPassword = '' #quoted string, if the host(s) don't use a password just leave it as: ''

restartLimit = 10 * 60 #in seconds, pause+unpause if next attempt to get WU is this or more
checkEvery = 2 * 60 #in seconds, do a check for all hosts every this seconds

tConTimeout = 15 #in seconds, connection timeout
tReadTimeout = 10 #in seconds, read timeout
testMode = False # if set to True: checkEvery=6 and restartLimit=0 but won't actually pause+unpause slots

##                                    code                                    ##
import json
import re
import telnetlib
import time
import datetime

if testMode:
    restartLimit = 0
    checkEvery = 6
countEvery = 1 #seconds, have to be a factor of checkEvery, default: 1
countEveryDec = max(0, str(countEvery)[::-1].find('.'))
countEveryDecStr = f'{{:.{countEveryDec}f}}'
def remSeconds(seconds):
    if seconds > 0:
        if (seconds * 10000) % (countEvery * 10000) == 0:
            secondsP = countEveryDecStr.format(seconds)
            pr(f'Next check in {secondsP} seconds', same=True)
        seconds = round((seconds - countEvery) * 10000) / 10000

prLastLen = 0
prLastSame = False
def pr(t, indent=0, same=False, overPrev=False):
    global prLastLen, prLastSame
    if not overPrev and not same and prLastSame:
        prLastLen = 0
    t = str(t)
    toPrint = ('  ' * indent) + t
    tLen = len(toPrint)
    print(toPrint + (' ' * max(0, prLastLen - tLen)), end='\r')
    prLastSame = same
    prLastLen = tLen
    if not same:
        prLastLen = 0

def checkKeep():
    while (True):

def checkAll():
    for host in hosts: check(host)
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    pr(f'check complete at {now}', 0, False, True)

prompt = '\n*>\s*'.encode('utf-8') 
pyonEnd = '\n---\n'.encode('utf-8')
def readResult(expected, expectedResult=''):
    index = expected[0]
    readB = expected[2]
    read = readB.decode('utf-8')
    if index < 0 or read == '': return [False, 'nothing was read']
    #expected result
    if expectedResult:
        result = re.sub('\s+>$', '', read.strip())
        if (result != expectedResult):
            return [False, f'{readB}']
    match = re.search('\n*PyON\s+(\d+)\s+([-_a-zA-Z\d]+)\n(.*)\n---\n', read, re.DOTALL)
    if match:
        version = match.group(1)
        if version != '1': raise Exception('Response data version does not match')
        data = match.group(3)
        #to json
        data = re.sub('(:\s*)False', r'\1false', data)
        data = re.sub('(:\s*)True', r'\1true', data)
        data = re.sub('(:\s*)None', r'\1null', data)
        data = json.loads(data)
        return [True, data]
    #auth error
    match = re.search('\nERROR: unknown command or variable', read, re.DOTALL)
    if match:
        raise Exception('error sending command, wrong password?')
    #return read
    return [True, read]
def tnCreate(host):
    match = re.search('(.*):(\d+)', host);
    port = 36330;
    tEnd = [prompt];
    if match:
        host = match.group(1);
        port = match.group(2);
    tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port, tConTimeout)
    readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
    return tn

def sendCmd(tn, cmd, par=''):
    if cmd == 'auth':
        tEnd = [prompt]
        if hostsPassword:
            cmdStr = f'auth {hostsPassword}';
            res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout), 'OK')
            if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
            return res[1]
        return True
    elif cmd == 'exit':
        cmdStr = f'{cmd}';
        tEnd = [prompt]
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    elif cmd == 'slot-info' or cmd == 'queue-info':
        cmdStr = f'{cmd}';
        tEnd = [pyonEnd]
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    elif cmd == 'get-info-and-restart':
        queueData = sendCmd(tn, 'queue-info')
        slotData = sendCmd(tn, 'slot-info')
        #if type(queueData) == str: print('');print('');print('');print(queueData);print(queueData.encode('utf-8'));print('');
        #if type(slotData) == str: print('');print('');print('');print(slotData);print(slotData.encode('utf-8'));print('');
        restarted = []
        for slot in slotData:
            isStillRunning = False
            queueDl = False
            for queue in queueData:
                if queue['slot'] == slot['id']:
                    if queue['state'] == 'RUNNING': isStillRunning = True
                    if queue['state'] == 'DOWNLOAD': queueDl = queue
            if not isStillRunning and queueDl and queueDl['waitingon'] == 'WS Assignment':
                match = re.match('\s?(\d+ days?)?\s?(\d+ hours?)?\s?(\d+ mins?)?\s?([\d.]+ secs?)?', queueDl['nextattempt'])
                if match:
                    seconds = 0
                    if match.group(1): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(1))) * 3600 * 24
                    if match.group(2): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(2))) * 3600
                    if match.group(3): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(3))) * 60
                    if match.group(4): seconds += round(float(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(4))) * 1)
                    if seconds >= restartLimit:
                        if not testMode:
                            sendCmd(tn, 'pause', queueDl['slot'])
                            sendCmd(tn, 'unpause', queueDl['slot'])
                        restarted.append([queueDl['slot'], queueDl['nextattempt']])
                else: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, parsing queue nextattempt:{queueDl["nextattempt"]}')
        return restarted
    elif par and (cmd == 'pause' or cmd == 'unpause'):
        tEnd = [prompt]
        cmdStr = f'{cmd} {par}';
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    else : return False

def check(host):
    st = time.time()
    pr(f'checking {host}', 1, True)
        tn = tnCreate(host)
        sendCmd(tn, 'auth')
        restarted = sendCmd(tn, 'get-info-and-restart')
        if len(restarted):
            pr(f'{host}: restarted {len(restarted)} slot{"s" if len(restarted) > 1 else ""}: ' + ', '.join(map(lambda item: '' + (' with '.join(item)), restarted)), 1, False, True)
        sendCmd(tn, 'exit')
        ed = time.time()
        time.sleep(max(0, 1 - (ed - st)))
    except Exception as err:
        pr(f'{host} error: {err}', 1, False, True)



It will automatically scan all the slots and pause+unpause slots that are "Waiting On: WS Assignment" and have too high "Next Attempt"

Need to set host(s) and password(only if you use a password)

If you find an issue with it, let me know via message


Looks like this when running:



It access the clients API in a similar(much simpler) way that FAHControl or HFM.NET do

It won't restart slots that are still running and trying to download a new WU at the same time.


original version(might not work anymore):



##                                  options                                   ##
hosts = [ #quoted strings, hosts or IPs separated by comma
hostsPassword = '' #quoted string, if the host(s) don't use a password just leave it as: ''

restartLimit = 10 * 60 #in seconds, pause+unpause if next attempt to get WU is this or more
checkEvery = 2 * 60 #in seconds, do a check for all hosts every this seconds

tConTimeout = 15 #in seconds, connection timeout
tReadTimeout = 10 #in seconds, read timeout
testMode = False # if set to True: checkEvery=6 and restartLimit=0 but won't actually pause+unpause slots

##                                    code                                    ##
import json
import re
import telnetlib
import time
import datetime

if testMode:
    restartLimit = 0
    checkEvery = 6
countEvery = 1 #seconds, have to be a factor of checkEvery, default: 1
countEveryDec = max(0, str(countEvery)[::-1].find('.'))
countEveryDecStr = f'{{:.{countEveryDec}f}}'
def remSeconds(seconds):
    if seconds > 0:
        if (seconds * 10000) % (countEvery * 10000) == 0:
            secondsP = countEveryDecStr.format(seconds)
            pr(f'Next check in {secondsP} seconds', same=True)
        seconds = round((seconds - countEvery) * 10000) / 10000

prLastLen = 0
prLastSame = False
def pr(t, indent=0, same=False, overPrev=False):
    global prLastLen, prLastSame
    if not overPrev and not same and prLastSame:
        prLastLen = 0
    t = str(t)
    toPrint = ('  ' * indent) + t
    tLen = len(toPrint)
    print(toPrint + (' ' * max(0, prLastLen - tLen)), end='\r')
    prLastSame = same
    prLastLen = tLen
    if not same:
        prLastLen = 0

def checkKeep():
    while (True):

def checkAll():
    for host in hosts: check(host)
    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    pr(f'check complete at {now}', 0, False, True)

tEnd = ['\n> '.encode('utf-8'), '\n---\n'.encode('utf-8')]
def readResult(expected, expectedResult=''):
    index = expected[0]
    readB = expected[2]
    read = readB.decode('utf-8')
    if index < 0 or read == '': return [False, 'nothing was read']
    #expected result
    if expectedResult:
        endWith = tEnd[index].decode('utf-8')
        readStrip = read[0:-len(endWith)].strip()
        if (readStrip != expectedResult):
            return [False, f'{readB}']
    match = re.search('\nPyON (\d+) ([-_a-zA-Z\d]+)\n(.*)\n---\n', read, re.DOTALL)
    if match:
        version = match.group(1)
        if version != '1': raise Exception('Response data version does not match')
        data = match.group(3)
        #to json
        data = re.sub('(:\s)?False', r'\1false', data)
        data = re.sub('(:\s)?True', r'\1true', data)
        data = re.sub('(:\s)?None', r'\1null', data)
        data = json.loads(data)
        return [True, data]
    #auth error
    match = re.search('\nERROR: unknown command or variable', read, re.DOTALL)
    if match:
        raise Exception('error sending command, wrong password?')
    #return read
    return [True, read]
def tnCreate(host):
    tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, 36330, tConTimeout)
    readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
    return tn

def sendCmd(tn, cmd, par=''):
    if cmd == 'auth':
        if hostsPassword:
            cmdStr = f'auth {hostsPassword}';
            res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout), 'OK')
            if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
            return res[1]
        return True
    elif cmd == 'exit':
        cmdStr = f'{cmd}';
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    elif cmd == 'slot-info' or cmd == 'queue-info':
        cmdStr = f'{cmd}';
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    elif cmd == 'get-info-and-restart':
        queueData = sendCmd(tn, 'queue-info')
        slotData = sendCmd(tn, 'slot-info')
        #if type(queueData) == str: print('');print('');print('');print(queueData);print(queueData.encode('utf-8'));print('');
        #if type(slotData) == str: print('');print('');print('');print(slotData);print(slotData.encode('utf-8'));print('');
        restarted = []
        for slot in slotData:
            isStillRunning = False
            queueDl = False
            for queue in queueData:
                if queue['slot'] == slot['id']:
                    if queue['state'] == 'RUNNING': isStillRunning = True
                    if queue['state'] == 'DOWNLOAD': queueDl = queue
            if not isStillRunning and queueDl and queueDl['waitingon'] == 'WS Assignment':
                match = re.match('\s?(\d+ days?)?\s?(\d+ hours?)?\s?(\d+ mins?)?\s?([\d.]+ secs?)?', queueDl['nextattempt'])
                if match:
                    seconds = 0
                    if match.group(1): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(1))) * 3600 * 24
                    if match.group(2): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(2))) * 3600
                    if match.group(3): seconds += int(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(3))) * 60
                    if match.group(4): seconds += round(float(re.sub('[^\d.]', '', match.group(4))) * 1)
                    if seconds >= restartLimit:
                        if not testMode:
                          sendCmd(tn, 'pause', queueDl['slot'])
                          sendCmd(tn, 'unpause', queueDl['slot'])
                        restarted.append([queueDl['slot'], queueDl['nextattempt']])
                else: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, parsing queue nextattempt:{queueDl["nextattempt"]}')
        return restarted
    elif par and (cmd == 'pause' or cmd == 'unpause'):
        cmdStr = f'{cmd} {par}';
        res = readResult(tn.expect(tEnd, tReadTimeout))
        if not res[0]: raise Exception(f'Error with {cmd}, {res[1]}')
        return res[1]
    else : return False

def check(host):
    st = time.time()
    pr(f'checking {host}', 1, True)
        tn = tnCreate(host)
        sendCmd(tn, 'auth')
        restarted = sendCmd(tn, 'get-info-and-restart')
        if len(restarted):
            pr(f'{host}: restarted {len(restarted)} slot{"s" if len(restarted) > 1 else ""}: ' + ', '.join(map(lambda item: '' + (' with '.join(item)), restarted)), 1, False, True)
        sendCmd(tn, 'exit')
        ed = time.time()
        time.sleep(max(0, 1 - (ed - st)))
    except Exception as err:
        pr(f'{host} error: {err}', 1, False, True)






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3 minutes ago, LFreeman said:

Anyone seen this error before? It keeps happening.


FahCore returned: INTERRUPTED (102 = 0x66)

I can't be sure, but I think it got interrupted. 


8 minutes ago, LFreeman said:

@GOTSpectrum I should have thought to look at that

That you should have! Honestly it is really helping me deal with the lockdown 

My Folding Stats - Join the fight against COVID-19 with FOLDING! - If someone has helped you out on the forum don't forget to give them a reaction to say thank you!


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

Please put as much effort into your question as you expect me to put into answering it. 


  • CPU
    Ryzen 9 5950X
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Aorus GA-AX370-GAMING 5
  • RAM
    32GB DDR4 3200
  • GPU
    Inno3D 4070 Ti
  • Case
    Cooler Master - MasterCase H500P
  • Storage
    Western Digital Black 250GB, Seagate BarraCuda 1TB x2
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova 1000w 
  • Display(s)
    Lenovo L29w-30 29 Inch UltraWide Full HD, BenQ - XL2430(portrait), Dell P2311Hb(portrait)
  • Cooling
    MasterLiquid Lite 240
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4 minutes ago, LFreeman said:

Anyone seen this error before? It keeps happening.


FahCore returned: INTERRUPTED (102 = 0x66)

Is that from one of your VMs?

It happened to me pretty consistently before I deleted the previous VMs and made new ones with 7.5GB of RAM instead of 1.8

F@H    EOC

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Just now, GOTSpectrum said:

I can't be sure, but I think it got interrupted. 

It has happened 9 times even when stopping and restarting the program

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Just now, jctappel67 said:

Is that from one of your VMs?

It happened to me pretty consistently before I deleted the previous VMs and made new ones with 7.5GB of RAM instead of 1.8

It is from one of the VMs but it has 2core 7.5gb as I couldn't find the 1.8gb version

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2 minutes ago, Bitter said:

1560 for folding at 1150mv, for gaming I run around 1590-1600 at 1125 since stability isn't as important. Due to how Vega clocks weird, when folding it bounces between 1550-1580 so I run the voltage a little higher than needed to ensure stability.

1,560 @ 180 = 62.12 GFLOPS/watt, 1,580 @ 180 = 62.92 GFLOPS/watt - not to shabby 😉 I guess the Vega 56 has a similar number of shaders to the Vega 64, but uses a lot less power.


Current config:


AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D, Asus ROG STRIX B650E-F GAMING WIFI, 64GB G.SKILL Trident Z5 RGB DDR5-6000 (30-40-40-96), Aorus RTX3080 TI Xtreme, 2x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro, ASUS XG-C100C, Corsair RM850x, Corsair H115i Pro RGB w/ 2,000 rpm ML fans, Fractal Design Meshify S2, NEC MultiSync EA244UHD 24" 4K


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WOOP!! WOOP!! i'm back in the top 100 overall table for LTT



Folding Stats



AMD Ryzen 5 5600X | Motherboard Asus Strix B550i | RAM 32gb 3200 Crucial Ballistix | GPU Nvidia RTX 3070 Founder Edition | Cooling Barrow CPU/PUMP Block, EKWB Vector GPU Block, Corsair 280mm Radiator | Case NZXT H1 | Storage Sabrent Rocket 2tb, Samsung SM951 1tb

PSU NZXT S650 SFX Gold | Display Acer Predator XB271HU | Keyboard Corsair K70 Lux | Mouse Corsair M65 Pro  

Sound Logitech Z560 THX | Operating System Windows 10 Pro

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1 minute ago, LFreeman said:

It has happened 9 times even when stopping and restarting the program

Sometimes they're just unstable like that. Hasn't been too much of a problem for me in the past few days, but the first day and a half was a bit rough. Sucks that it's giving you crap though...

Just now, LFreeman said:

It is from one of the VMs but it has 2core 7.5gb as I couldn't find the 1.8gb version

Good, the 28800 point WUs would overload the RAM on that CPU choice

F@H    EOC

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I miss all that much while I've been laid up in bed with a stomach bug...again?  Only thing I've gathered so far is points are missing.

Upside is my machines have been going 24/7 AFAIK since then.

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5 minutes ago, jctappel67 said:

Sometimes they're just unstable like that. Hasn't been too much of a problem for me in the past few days, but the first day and a half was a bit rough. Sucks that it's giving you crap though...

Good, the 28800 point WUs would overload the RAM on that CPU choice

Looks like it was a bad WU. I deleted the slot, restarted, re-added it, the restarted again and it picked up a new one and is chugging along.

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13 minutes ago, LFreeman said:

It has happened 9 times even when stopping and restarting the program

Sorry should have put a '/s' 

My Folding Stats - Join the fight against COVID-19 with FOLDING! - If someone has helped you out on the forum don't forget to give them a reaction to say thank you!


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

Please put as much effort into your question as you expect me to put into answering it. 


  • CPU
    Ryzen 9 5950X
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Aorus GA-AX370-GAMING 5
  • RAM
    32GB DDR4 3200
  • GPU
    Inno3D 4070 Ti
  • Case
    Cooler Master - MasterCase H500P
  • Storage
    Western Digital Black 250GB, Seagate BarraCuda 1TB x2
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova 1000w 
  • Display(s)
    Lenovo L29w-30 29 Inch UltraWide Full HD, BenQ - XL2430(portrait), Dell P2311Hb(portrait)
  • Cooling
    MasterLiquid Lite 240
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11 minutes ago, shaz2sxy said:

WOOP!! WOOP!! i'm back in the top 100 overall table for LTT



Welcome back onto the top! 


Now, next, top 50?

My Folding Stats - Join the fight against COVID-19 with FOLDING! - If someone has helped you out on the forum don't forget to give them a reaction to say thank you!


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

Please put as much effort into your question as you expect me to put into answering it. 


  • CPU
    Ryzen 9 5950X
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Aorus GA-AX370-GAMING 5
  • RAM
    32GB DDR4 3200
  • GPU
    Inno3D 4070 Ti
  • Case
    Cooler Master - MasterCase H500P
  • Storage
    Western Digital Black 250GB, Seagate BarraCuda 1TB x2
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova 1000w 
  • Display(s)
    Lenovo L29w-30 29 Inch UltraWide Full HD, BenQ - XL2430(portrait), Dell P2311Hb(portrait)
  • Cooling
    MasterLiquid Lite 240
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15 minutes ago, ObeliskAG said:

1,560 @ 180 = 62.12 GFLOPS/watt, 1,580 @ 180 = 62.92 GFLOPS/watt - not to shabby 😉 I guess the Vega 56 has a similar number of shaders to the Vega 64, but uses a lot less power.

Correct! It's the better deal of the Vega cards, especially since it undervolts+overclocks for much better efficiency than it had out of the box. V64/Radeon 7 are very power hungry by comparison but also can be undervolted+overclocked but to a lesser extent and remain power hungry cards and are still commanding high prices compared to 56's which are going for $200 and under. I paid a little more for a limited edition Nitro+ with the big cooler on it and the fancy RGB lighting, only live once.

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Was setting up a new VM for when I have to shut the old ones down (because I'm a cheap bastard), and was wondering why my GPU wasn't getting any WUs.


I forgot to set GPU to true... 




EDIT: It's humming along now😁

Edited by jctappel67

F@H    EOC

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1 minute ago, jctappel67 said:

Was setting up a new VM for when I have to shut the old ones down (because I'm a cheap bastard), and was wondering why my GPU wasn't getting any WUs.


I forgot to set GPU to true... 




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5 minutes ago, Bitter said:

Correct! It's the better deal of the Vega cards, especially since it undervolts+overclocks for much better efficiency than it had out of the box. V64/Radeon 7 are very power hungry by comparison but also can be undervolted+overclocked but to a lesser extent and remain power hungry cards and are still commanding high prices compared to 56's which are going for $200 and under. I paid a little more for a limited edition Nitro+ with the big cooler on it and the fancy RGB lighting, only live once.

Absolutely love mine, even after realizing that for the cost of the card and the custom watercooling block and rgb I could have had something quite better from team green 🤪


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I'm completing WUs but not getting any points today. Not sure what is going on.

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5 minutes ago, ConceptOW said:

I'm completing WUs but not getting any points today. Not sure what is going on.

did you check here: https://stats.foldingathome.org/donor/ ?

eoc has been hit and miss for some people.  i still think im missing some point from both servers...but hard to prove...

My EOC F@H stats | My F@H Stats | My Real time F@H Production | My Boinc Stats

My team in point Generation order:

- Bender: Corsair CARBIDE 600C | Win 11 Pro | AMD Ryzen 2600 | 32GB DDR4-3200MHz Crucial CL22 4x8GB | Noctua NH-U14H | 1TB Toshiba SSD | EVGA XC3 Ultra 3070LHR 8GB Metal BackPlate | EVGA FTW 3070FHR 8GB Metal BackPlate | Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING | Seasonic FOCUS Plus 1000 Gold SSR-1000FX | 55" Samsung 120Hz 3D TV


- Scooty-Puff: Alienware M15R5 | Win 11 Pro | AMD R7-5800H | 64GB DDR4-3200 | PC711 & WD SN750 SE 1TB | 3070M | 240 Watt ACadapter


- Omicron_Persei_8: Dell G5 5511 | Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS | Intel i7-11800 | 32GB DDR4-3200 | 1x512GB BC711 & 2TB Intel 660p | 3060M | 240 Watt ACadapter


- Calculon (MainTower): Fractal Design Meshify S2 White | Win 11 Pro | AMD Ryzen 3900x | 32GB DDR4-3200 TridentZ RGB | Noctua NH-D15 | 1x SN750SE | AMD 5700XT XFX Rx-57XT8OFF6 | Gigabyte X570 WiFi Pro | Seasonic FOCUS Plus 750 Gold SSR-750FX | 2x Dell S3422DWG & Dell U2715H & Dell U2917W


- Leela:  Fractal Design Focus G Blue | Win 11 Pro | AMD Ryzen 2600 | 32GB DDR4-3200MHz | AMD Wraith cooler | Toshiba KSG60ZMV256G | EVGA 2060 KO | Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING | Seasonic FOCUS Plus 650 Gold SSR-650-FX | 


Honorable Mentions:


- iZac (Server): Fractal Design Node 804 | Win 11 Pro | Ryzen 5700G | 32GB DDR4-3200MHz Crucial CL22 4x8GB | AMD Wraith Prism

5x1TB NVME | 2x2TB 7x4TB 1x 8TB SATA HDD | ASROCKRACK x470D4U | RM750i PSU | NO Monitor


- Nibbler: Framework 16 | Win 11 Pro | AMD R7 7840HS | 16" 2560x1600 | 64 GB RAM DDR5-5600 | 2TB WD SN770m & 2TB Seagate FireCuda 530 | AMD 780M  | 180Watt ACadapter


2023 Model 3 Ryzen APU | 2TB Samsung T7


Useful stuff i may mention

F@H Babysitter | F@H in the Dark | HFM Setup

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Why is it right when you need to get something done, another things pops up!


I'm too tired for this BS lmfao. Update is coming guys but may be delayed!

My Folding Stats - Join the fight against COVID-19 with FOLDING! - If someone has helped you out on the forum don't forget to give them a reaction to say thank you!


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates

Please put as much effort into your question as you expect me to put into answering it. 


  • CPU
    Ryzen 9 5950X
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Aorus GA-AX370-GAMING 5
  • RAM
    32GB DDR4 3200
  • GPU
    Inno3D 4070 Ti
  • Case
    Cooler Master - MasterCase H500P
  • Storage
    Western Digital Black 250GB, Seagate BarraCuda 1TB x2
  • PSU
    EVGA Supernova 1000w 
  • Display(s)
    Lenovo L29w-30 29 Inch UltraWide Full HD, BenQ - XL2430(portrait), Dell P2311Hb(portrait)
  • Cooling
    MasterLiquid Lite 240
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1 hour ago, LFreeman said:

Anyone seen this error before? It keeps happening.


FahCore returned: INTERRUPTED (102 = 0x66)

That is happening when you pause WU while it's folding. Nothing unusual:


23:41:32:WU00:FS01:0x22:Completed 680000 out of 1000000 steps (68%)
23:42:53:FS01:Shutting core down
23:42:53:WU00:FS01:0x22:WARNING:Console control signal 1 on PID 1716
23:42:53:WU00:FS01:0x22:Exiting, please wait. . .
23:42:54:WU00:FS01:0x22:Folding@home Core Shutdown: INTERRUPTED
23:42:54:WU00:FS01:FahCore returned: INTERRUPTED (102 = 0x66)


Favebook's F@H Stats

Favebook's BOINC Stats


CPU i7-8700k (5.0GHz)  Motherboard Aorus Z370 Gaming 7  RAM Vengeance® RGB Pro 16GB DDR4 3200MHz  GPU  Aorus 1080 Ti

Case Carbide Series SPEC-OMEGA  Storage  Samsung Evo 970 1TB & WD Red Pro 10TB

PSU Corsair HX850i  Cooling Custom EKWB loop


Display Acer Predator x34 120Hz

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2 minutes ago, GOTSpectrum said:

Why is it right when you need to get something done, another things pops up!


I'm too tired for this BS lmfao. Update is coming guys but may be delayed!

Take your time brother

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