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Whiteboard drawing over programs

Hi guys,


I'm working with a team of remote developers and we are currently using screenshots for collaboration(drawing over them and stuff) but it gets kinda messy. We were looking into the Surface studio or Microsoft Hub for a way to collaborate remotely and sketch over web pages and stuff but I can't seem to find the functionality that we need. They have notes apps and stuff but we still need to take screenshots and bring them into the notes app.

 We need a program that can apply an overlay to the desktop and we can draw on that overlay, sketch, take notes, etc to make things more fluid and work all at the same time instead of continously exchanging screenshots and when we are done, we can simply take a screenshot of the finished notes and keep only that one.


I'm sure that there is something like this out there but I just can find it so if you know about an app like this, please let me know, I would very much appreciate it.


It doesn't matter if it's free or paid.



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