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About Preston

  • Birthday May 02, 1995

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    Tasmania, Australia
  • Member title
    Junior Member

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  1. They probably took a blow torch to it...
  2. Parks and rec is good. But you should probably study!
  3. Will LTT be getting a kickback from the fans? I would probably buy a few to put in one of my systems if they do. Then again, I'd probably still buy a couple anyway.
  4. Just in regards to doing the CPU core benchmark, is there much utility in really doing it? It seems like a lots of work for a relatively even result.
  5. I love the 10 second jump back feature. I'm not a huge fan of their UI though. It's just a bit clustered I think. Maybe I have to get used to it.
  6. Vessel: PrestonTsama https://www.vessel.c...ideos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.c...ideos/LCoY5zfFf
  7. I really hope that you can continue to grow your business. Bring up as all the content that we love, bring us the content that we don't yet know we love and I hope your transition into other delivery platforms works out for you.
  8. I think that 8 gb of ram gives you more bang for your buck. The extra cost is really worth it.
  9. It would be good to get some of that sweet NBN sugar sometime in the next 100 years/
  10. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades? edit: didn't see the part about not wanting anyone to be labelled the bad guy which Hades probably would be.
  11. I don't do engineering but I have a lot of good friends who are. I can't imagine making such a significant decision about your future so early in your career! In my law degree I get to study a broad array of subjects through out my whole degree while all my engi friends are choosing their fields already! It sounds like you're trying to decide between doing something you are really going to enjoy but with less job certainty and something you might not enjoy but with greater job certainty. For me this is a no brainer really. Do aerospace. This choice you are making is maybe going to dictate what you do for a long time to come, it's better that you do something you love than soemthing you don't.
  12. Ahh right. That makes more sense. I thought you were painting keys. Good luck!