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    Jman reacted to LiamNPRG in Please show some more love for linux :)   
    I really like your channel, but it is pretty annoying to constantly watch you resort to everything using windows(especially 10). For example, your "Windows 9" video would have been really great if you rolled your own desktop, or used XFCE themes to do the same(like this one here https://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Windows흏鎅?content=173834). Your newest video(as of this post) was about GPU mining, and it also makes no sense whatsoever to use windows instead of a stripped down distro like arch or gentoo(heck even ubuntu) due to the lesser requirements of the OS, and minimal Microsoft™ Overhead™. For gaming however, it would be fair to say that windows has better support for games, and I totally understand the usage there, as well as for the fact that windows 10 is what most people watching your channel are probably using.
    All I really ask is that you show one of the fastest growing oses some more respect for how far it has come in the last decade. Thank you for making content, and have a nice day
    PS: you could probably just do some benchmarks in some easy to install linux distro just for kicks.
  2. Like
    Jman reacted to orddie in [GUIDE] Etherum Nvidia mining on Ubuntu 17.10 from the ground up   
    Hi All,
    Recently went through my own build of a rig from the ground up.  Nothing special about it (no web interface or other "nice" things you get with the prebuilt OS).  All this takes is your time.  My build took me about 2 hours using a 250MB Comcast cable connection.
    Rig Specs
    Intel i3-6100 8gb or DDR memory 2x Zotac 1060's 3gb My hash per card is 19.08.  Below are my steps
    Found this useful? Buy me a beer
    First get your OS from ubuntu.com
    I used the mini.iso, wrote it a USB stick and started the install.  this is where the fast internet connection will come in to download your OS using my MAC issued dd if=mini.sio of=/dev/disk2 (or whatever your USB disk) bs=1.  after about 15 minutes my USB stick was ready to go  
    the install was very simple for I changed nothing from the default settings.  when it came time to add additional packages I chose the following
    OpenSSH server  
    after install is completed, the system was rebooted and I was at the login screen.  Some may need to hit CTRL + Alt + F1 to get to this screen.  If you see an entry referencing clean blocks..  simply press CTRL + Alt + F1 to get the login prompt.  Login using the information you setup using install. 
    Set your root password
    issue sudo passwd root  
    Lets add the necessary repository's to get the process started
    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y sudo add-apt-repository main sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo add-apt-repository restricted sudo add-apt-repository multiverse sudo apt-get update
    We now need to install a lot of packages.  we do this in stages to ensure APT does not choke / give errors / tell us no!
    Group 1
    sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev -y sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev cmake build-essential -y sudo apt-get install automake libtool make gcc -y sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev -y sudo apt-get update
    Second round of repository's
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y sudo apt-get update  
    Install an older version of GCC and link it
    sudo apt-get install g++-6 -y sudo update-alternatives --remove-all gcc sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-6 10 sudo apt-get upgrade  
    Setup and grab the necessary files needed for kernel injection of the Nvidia
    sudo update-initramfs -u sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev -y sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-image-extra-virtual -y sudo apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-generic -y sudo apt-get install nvidia-common nvidia-prime nvidia-settings -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-387 -y (current version as of 11-30-17) sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev -y sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy -y sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa libxi-dev libxmu-dev libglu1-mesa-dev -y sudo apt-get install apt-file -y && sudo apt-file update sudo apt-get install build-essential -y head on over to Nvidia and download the Cuda drivers 
    https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads. (as of 11-30-17) make your selection of OS (Linux --> x86_64 --> Ubuntu --> 17.04 --> run file (local) Right Click the Download (1.6GB) and choose copy link back to your SSH client into your rig... issue cd $home issue wget and paste the link from the Nvidia website.  Below is an example of what the command looks like wget https://developer.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/9.1/Prod/local_installers/cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run  
    chmod +x cuda* to make the file executable
    Lets install cuda.  Notice in the above wget, we have a file named cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run.  this is the file we downloaded from Nvidia and is what we will use to install cuda on our system. 
    this process took around 20-40 minutes per line to complete on my system. 
    sudo ./cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run --driver --silent sudo ./cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run --toolkit --silent sudo ./cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run --samples --silent  
    install more software which will allow us to connect to our pools which require https and x-org (a window session manager - graphical interface) 
    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev -y sudo apt-get install build-essential xserver-xorg p7zip xorg-dev libgtk-3-dev xdm -y you will get a prompt asking which session manager you want..  choose xdm  
    we must change the xdm file as follows
    sudo vi /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup copy and paste the following lines into the file.  
    use your arrow keys to scroll down to the bottom of the file and at the last word and letter of that file.  Hit the a key.   Press enter again to to go the next line export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin export HOME=/root export DISPLAY=:0 xset –dpms xset s off xhost +  
    hit the Escape key type :w! type :q.  this should bring you back to your regular shell  
    issue the following and reboot the machine after
    sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --allow-empty-initial-configuration --cool-bits=28 --use-display-device="DFP-0" --connected-monitor="DFP-0" --custom-edid="DFP-0:/etc/X11/dfp-edid.bin" --enable-all-gpus sudo sed -i '/Driver/a Option "Interactive" "False"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf sudo reboot ssh back into the machine and issue your over clocks for your cards
    sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1 sudo nvidia-smi -pl 80 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[3]=1000 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3]=-200 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=95 repeat the red font for each card you have in the machine.   change :0 to the card you want to change the settings for.  If you have a single card, no need to do anything further.  if you have other cards issue the following (notice the change from 0 above to 1 below)
    sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:1]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[3]=1000 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:1]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3]=-200 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [gpu:1]/GPUFanControlState=1 sudo nvidia-settings -c :0 -a [fan:1]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=95  
    your all set...    download your favorite mining software and start mining!   
    I use ethminer and my startup script is as follows.  I Recommend you make yourself a nice script to issue these commands so all you have to do is run a single program.  Remember the below should be issued on the console of the host - not via SSH.  If you issue via SSH and close the SSH window you will stop mining. 
    ./ethminer --report-hashrate --farm-recheck 200 -U -S us1.ethermine.org:14444 -O 0x5DeDbebF13Ead7fF869c8f86906F91640542097C  
  3. Like
    Jman reacted to Unhelpful in What should I review next?   
  4. Like
    Jman got a reaction from RAM555789 in Only getting 10.5 MH/s on 980ti   
    I'm actually in the process of doing this haha.  Hopefully this works.  I'll update afterwards.  Thanks for the help btw
  5. Like
    Jman reacted to Trik'Stari in Samsung Files Complaint with ITC to Block Nvidia Chips From US Markets   
    And next week on court comedy round up

  6. Like
    Jman reacted to Lays in Pirated Far Cry 4 on PC? Too bad Ubisoft left a surprise for you!   
    For all these people that like to bitch so much about Ubisoft, so many of them are still playing their games...
    I agree they're a bunch of idiots of there 90% of the time, but everyone is still giving them a shit-ton of attention, whether it's good or bad, people are still keeping them in the spotlight.
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Jman reacted to atrash in Texas Teen Jailed "LoL" by Canadan mother that went to FAR!   
    8 years just for that?dayumn..they should just fine him or asked to do some community service instead.now the gov have just created a monster who,while serving his 8 years in prison,will plot his revengeful act of retaliation and do the shooting for real.and that's how you create a terrorist,by pissing them off in the first place.
  9. Like
    Jman got a reaction from Vitalius in Xbox One explanations   
    What we need to realize is that we people here on Linus tech tips are pretty tech savvy and are in the loop with what is behind the xbox one and the bad things about it.  I personally think it is a nice thing simply because I have internet and I have been paying 60$ for games for years. (Not as much now since I mostly play on the pc) I also like that it is quite good at multitasking.  If you dont like the kinect, unplug it or cover up the damn thing with a rag :p.  As stated in the article, with the used game aspect out of the picture, MS can hopefully lower the prices of the games ,but back to my point. 
    The majority of people buying the xbox one are just average joes who don't really know what they are buying and are getting it because they know the name and see that it is new.  My little brother is excited to no end for this thing and he is 11.  A common age group for the xbox and a very under informed group.  Along with him is my dad.  He is busy with his job and doesn't have the time to look into things.  He just has a brief idea of what it features: Better graphics, can multitask, can be hooked up to the tv signal, and most importantly, something NEW. 
    Most people are like them, under informed and will still buy it.  Contrary to what many of you have said, I think the xbox one will be just as popular as the last one.
  10. Like
    Jman got a reaction from Nademagnet in Xbox One explanations   
    What we need to realize is that we people here on Linus tech tips are pretty tech savvy and are in the loop with what is behind the xbox one and the bad things about it.  I personally think it is a nice thing simply because I have internet and I have been paying 60$ for games for years. (Not as much now since I mostly play on the pc) I also like that it is quite good at multitasking.  If you dont like the kinect, unplug it or cover up the damn thing with a rag :p.  As stated in the article, with the used game aspect out of the picture, MS can hopefully lower the prices of the games ,but back to my point. 
    The majority of people buying the xbox one are just average joes who don't really know what they are buying and are getting it because they know the name and see that it is new.  My little brother is excited to no end for this thing and he is 11.  A common age group for the xbox and a very under informed group.  Along with him is my dad.  He is busy with his job and doesn't have the time to look into things.  He just has a brief idea of what it features: Better graphics, can multitask, can be hooked up to the tv signal, and most importantly, something NEW. 
    Most people are like them, under informed and will still buy it.  Contrary to what many of you have said, I think the xbox one will be just as popular as the last one.
  11. Like
    Jman got a reaction from TheArium in Xbox One explanations   
    What we need to realize is that we people here on Linus tech tips are pretty tech savvy and are in the loop with what is behind the xbox one and the bad things about it.  I personally think it is a nice thing simply because I have internet and I have been paying 60$ for games for years. (Not as much now since I mostly play on the pc) I also like that it is quite good at multitasking.  If you dont like the kinect, unplug it or cover up the damn thing with a rag :p.  As stated in the article, with the used game aspect out of the picture, MS can hopefully lower the prices of the games ,but back to my point. 
    The majority of people buying the xbox one are just average joes who don't really know what they are buying and are getting it because they know the name and see that it is new.  My little brother is excited to no end for this thing and he is 11.  A common age group for the xbox and a very under informed group.  Along with him is my dad.  He is busy with his job and doesn't have the time to look into things.  He just has a brief idea of what it features: Better graphics, can multitask, can be hooked up to the tv signal, and most importantly, something NEW. 
    Most people are like them, under informed and will still buy it.  Contrary to what many of you have said, I think the xbox one will be just as popular as the last one.
  12. Like
    Jman reacted to D3MON in Quick pc building tips   
    Trying not to say things that are already said (like not putting the side panel on when you're done, its not a myth its common sense)

    1# Installl order (some things may be switched around)
    Power supply, then motherboard, then cpu, then cpu cooler, then ram, , then hard drive, then graphics card.
    2# Take your time.
    3# If you plan to overclock or use a high power cpu get a good quality board with heatsinked 8+2 power phases (heatsinks alone don't mean an 8+2vrm).
    4# Dont forget the cpu cooler fan header (every other time in the early days)
    5 part a Dont cheap out on a case, (under £50 GBP-exceptions below*), stick to well known brands, if you're unsure, ask.
    5 part b; You dont always have to buy a more expensive case from corsair, antec etc (though it is a safer bet), if you're carefull and read reviews you can find unknown bargains (7870Tahiti LE, sharkoon t9*, nzxt source 210*).
    5 part c; Easy way to spot a good case. (A good case will be made of thicker quality material and wont just strip threads)
    1# Does it have a bottom mounted power supply?-not always the case but if its top mounted AND cheap-rubbish.
    2# Does it have a black interior?-if they're willing to do this its a good start.- still a poor case
    3# Does it have cable routing holes and a cpu cutout?- if they're willing to do this thats good too.- low case
    4# Is there enough room behind the motherboard tray to actually route any cables?-you want an inch or more.- a good case
    5# Are those cable routing holes use rubber grommets?-makes a build look tidy, most often on £100+ cases.
    6# Better designed-attention to detail, you're unlikely to spot things untill you're building in it or unless Tiny Tom Logan talks about it in a review.
    if it has all of the above then you have a good case.
    6# Bright LED fans unless they're expensive are probably cheap and while sometimes it doesn't always matter... do not go thinking they're going to be amazing just because they look good.
    7# Just because loads of people are fanatic about something doesn't mean its good, PERSONALLY I think noctuas are overhyped (still good) and gentle typhoons are all a placebo, GET evidence from MULTIPLE reviews even if it means doing it yourself. It's your cash/pc on the line.
    8# Watch linus's future proofing guide, infact watch everything linus has made or done a guide on, seriously.....
    9# Never assume anything, Don't assume that because its doa its a terrible product (not always) sometimes things just don't work, Shop around ALLOT and factor in postage and read reviews!
    10# If you can get USB3 do it! it will become a standard, other things to a lesser extent are likely to become standard aswell so it can be beneficial to spend and extra 3$ on a motherboard/graphics card to get it, again if you're unsure ask!
    Don't buy from apple (do i need to say this? the only people that wont like this will have an apple product of some sort and will have paid double the price because its white and partially made of die cast...)
    11# Don't always assume newer is better (pentium 4.....bulldozer)
    12# Low end AIO coolers aren't much better than a decent heatsink that are cheaper.

    13# DON'T SPREAD THERMAL PASTE, its meant to be the thinnest micron sized film, thermal paste isn't as good at conducting as heatsink-to-metal contact so only use a blot in the center of the cpu and make sure the heatsink is making good pressure and give it a tiny wiggle without it pulling away from the cpu if you can. (this is something I'm very ocd about) doing it properly isn't hard, doing it really well is an art.
    14# DON'T NOT USE THERMAL PASTE, Just because I said less is more doesn't mean none.
    15# Learn to cable manage, sit back and think ALLOT before doing something, where its going to go, how, what will the effects be?
    16# Plan your build as much as you can before buying parts.
    17# Bronze efficiency power supply is minimal silver is allot better, gold is a little better and the improvements (in efficiency) shrink from there on but bronze if you're on a budget gold and upwards if your not.
    18# Part 1-"I dont care how loud it is", You will eventually so why not make it as quiet as you affordably can now.
    Part 2a- having quiet fans is 1 good but having less fans is quieter.
    Part 2b-if you have fans blowing through an area that doesnt need anything cooled (empty hard drive cage) unplug it for now..unless its LED
    Air moving in and out the case is important but the airspeed is going to be generally slow, So don't go filling it with fans at the front and exhausts at the back/top just because you can.
    19# Clean your pc-just do it-especially if you have lots of fans drawing in air
    20# Clean your pc-especially if you dont have any fans moving air.
    21# Positive air pressure vs negative air pressure-if your drawing unfiltered air in, it will bring dust in, simple.
    22# The faster your fans are, the more restricted they will by by filters and grills-slow and steady.
    23# cases with top mounting for fans-spill a cup of tea on it and you'll regret it, even if you dont dust will end up going inside the case through the grills and land on your graphics card.

    24# Don't build your pc on an anti static bag, it's electrically conductive.
    25# Double check your stand off mounts, in the wrong place they can short your board out.
    26# Notice things like ddr3 1600 is the same price as ddr1333 and the cost per gigabyte goes down as you get bigger hard drives (generally)

    Can't think of anything else I've learnt... :D
    Oh and read advice given to you, How much of this did you skip?
  13. Like
    Jman reacted to KingLewie2152uk in How to Auto Like Linus's videos   
    Might make an auto "dislike" plugin for any video with Apple in it's header! ;)
  14. Like
    Jman reacted to Lukiose in Razer Blade Pro   
    Anyone who recommends a Mac around these parts will get this from me

    Anyway, back on topic: Shattered, are you choosing the Razer Blade because it's thin & lightweight?
    While i do like the Razer Blade (It's a beautiful laptop) I don't think the price is justified. Personally i'd highly recommend one of these instead http://www.msimobile.com/level3_productpage.aspx?cid=6&id=406
  15. Like
    Jman reacted to Lukiose in Razer Blade Pro   
    For a workstation (I assume video editing etc) you'd be better off with a laptop fitted with a quadro.

  16. Like
    Jman reacted to Kayn in Nvidia says Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are great news for gaming PCs   
    I hope that they develop it for PC first and then port it to the console but thats probably not going to happen.
  17. Like
    Jman reacted to MG2R in EA: Video games firm wants to stop being 'hated'   
    The problem, guys, is not EA. As Linus said before: the problem is idiots that keep buying EA's crap.

    That is, btw, the same problem as Xbox One. Everyone hates it so much, but still everyone keeps buying them.

  18. Like
    Jman reacted to GoodBytes in Breaking: PS4 online multiplayer requires PS Plus = 5$/Month Fee   
    5$ x12 = 60$ per year.
    XBox One Gold Membership is 60$ per year.
  19. Like
    Jman reacted to Hyydrah in Microsoft’s Rape Joke At E3   
    Not to mention that it was fairly subtle, I bet that most people didn't even notice it until someone started complaining about it.
  20. Like
    Jman reacted to Lukiose in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    I'm perfectly fine with the video not being uploaded - there's hot babes/porn whatever all over the internet, if i want it, i can find it.
    But, i do have a point to make. which is;
    I have no idea how having booth babes is sexist, people calling it sexist are just weird in the head. It is simple, the majority of high end tech customers are male, what do males like? Pretty Women. If there are women happy to take the job & this in a way, is a form of advertising a product to boost sales, then why not? So the next time we see booth hunks promoting a product aimed at the female audience, do we scream sexist towards males? No. Because people who aren't feminists don't make themselves heard for just about any random stupid reason.
    People who scream: "SEXIST!!"  think too much when in actual fact, they are the sexists/extremists who deem anything to do with pretty women = sexist.
    These people should be banned from life & society for failing so hard & constantly trying to stir up social unrest
    /rant over
  21. Like
    Jman reacted to LAwLz in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    I won't say gay people are unnatural (since you can find homosexuals in other species) but they do not do what we were genetically programmed to do, which is eat and reproduce. If you don't think that we are "genetically programmed" for certain things then you need to go read some biology and human evolution.
    We should be equal in terms of rights (and we already are) but people have to realize the fact that we are not equal in all areas (genetically). Studies proves that women have much faster reaction time when it comes to saving children from harm for example. It is also a hard and cold fact that men have a much easier time building muscles. Why? Because during our evolution the men were out hunting, and the women took care of the children. I am not saying that we should live like that today, but what I am saying is that there are still traces of such a time in our genes, and it makes men better at certain things and women better at certain things. You can call that sexism if you want, but all you're saying is "oh nature is so sexist, we should have evolved differently", which is pointless.
    As for the whole "it's sexist" debate, if I was a model then I would be glad if people thought I was attractive and wanted to look at me, because that means I am doing a good job. How come people never complain about women ogling male models, yet as soon as a man wants to look at a female model we are all of a sudden oppressing the whole female gender?
    Saying "oh you're not allowed to vote because you are a woman" or saying "oh women are only good for cooking and cleaning, because they are women" = sexism
    Saying "yes I think that model, whose whole job is to look good and endorse a product, is good looking" != sexism
  22. Like
    Jman reacted to Salmiakbal in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    Sexism is such an extreme term, it makes it look like it's a crime. Nobody is getting hurt when Linus posts this video.
    So even if it IS sexism, why is it bad? There's no denying that there is a difference between females and males. Male's often like females and females often like males. This is the reason that these women, who chose this job out of free will and in full acknowledgement of its consequences, are there in the companies booths because computer hardware is a male dominated community.
    Now when a girl gets paid less for a job because she's a female or anything like that, that's bad mkay, but that's not the problem here.
    There's always someone bitching something about gender equality. The genders are not equal and each has its pluses and minuses, get over it for Christ's sake.
    That said, sexism isn't a one way street. You probably seen the Abercomby and Fitch bags have you? Or the Chippendales? Or the coca cola commercial? Seriously halfnaked males are everywhere just as well and there's no one bitching about that. Women like naked men just as much as men like naked women.
    And let's not forget that sexism is just fine when a male pays the receipt of a lovely night out with a girl or holds the door open or tries to protect a woman (and millions of other examples exist)
    Now on the topic
    I don't even get why this is a question. Thousands of people have already seen them there on Computex, what does it hurt anyone if you post it on your channel alongside all the other Computex video's?
    Just post the video. All this sexism nonsense is so over hyped and all round terrible. Nothing's going to change whether you post it (or not).
    I'm being really honest if I say those girls would laugh at any of the opposers in this thread if they read it
  23. Like
    Jman reacted to MJOLNITR VIPER in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    I see no reason to not post it.  If you dont want to watch it dont, just click it and give it a like for charity.
  24. Like
    Jman reacted to BeatBoyMatty in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    I made an account just to vote yes.
  25. Like
    Jman reacted to 911^NEmeSis in Should we Post the Booth Babe Video?   
    Well you could make it private and only viewable via a link so the people who don't want to watch it can easily avoid it.