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Sorry Gardner but respectfully I think you're wrong.


Also, Ubisoft has beta quality support for Vulkan working in their Anvil Next 2.0 engine and so do other companies so I'm not sure why this is a big deal.

  1. Bombastinator


    His point seems to be not that they do support Vulcan but that they don’t support directX.  I agree that there is potential for microsoft to try to tank Vulcan using their weight of developers.  The problem is they haven’t done it yet though. IF they DO do that he might have a point.  It a gun jump at best though. I don’t think microsoft can kill Vulcan.  Apple is already using it exclusively.

  2. AlTech


    @Bombastinator Not sure where you got that Apple part, Apple exclusively uses their own Metal API which is now on version 2.


    Vulkan runs unofficially on macOS through Vulkan to Metal API translation layers.

  3. Bombastinator


    Gah.  Conflated Vulcan and metal. Derp.
