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Wow. Some of Paypal's websites look like they're straight out of the 2000s or something -_-.


Website that you're forced to go to change that setting in Paypal in 2019.




Cos Paypal really doesn't get the idea that my bank might (read: actually does 100% of the time) have better exchange rates than Paypal does -_-.


And yes it's a legit Paypal owned site.


  1. Syntaxvgm


    you'll find a lot of payment providers are like that, on purpose. 

  2. AlTech
  3. Syntaxvgm


    yah im sure it's partially regulations and partially keeping stuff like tracking scripts from being on payment pages, a lot of them i notice just have separated sties and they might not get updated as often. I work with payment processors at my job, but I honestly don't know the whole reason. 
