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The Jet lag is real :D. I woke up at 12:40pm lol. I ain't even mad lol cos I was tired.

  1. vanished


    Sometimes I wake up at 4 PM just normally... though that might be from going to bed at 6 AM xD 

  2. AlTech


    @Ryan_Vickers I don't suppose you play Minecraft xD?


    I'm getting funny framerates depending on how much RAM I allocate to it.


  3. themctipers




    1.10 kills my fps 

    1.9 is unstable for me

    1.8.9 = ?

  4. vanished


    I do actually, from time to time.  Some key things I've learned over the years:

    • Every new version is a complete wildcard.  They might fix something, or completely break the entire game.  Performance can thus vary wildly from one build to the next.
    • The game can benefit significantly from more RAM, but only to a point.  I find allocating anything over 4 GB is unnecessary, so just make sure you have enough RAM to afford that plus your OS (so probably 8, or 6 if you're frugal)
      • Make sure you're using 64 bit Java so you can actually do this!
    • Things like optifine can greatly improve your framerates
    • Things like shaders can destroy your framerates, even if your hardware seems good enough

    I'll post more later if I remember more things but I think that's about it.

  5. themctipers


    Optifine doesn't help with frame rate for me. 

    GLSL shaders v10 is better optimized than v11 or even v12. 

    Allocating 2GB means that it is able to use upto 2GB but for me it's capped at 300mb or so..


  6. AlTech


    @themctipers There's a problem with your java or your minecraft then. For me it's quite happy to use 1GB+ of RAM.

  7. BingoFishy


    @Ryan_Vickers Yeah. I used to use shaders but it would often drop below 60 fps (though it was usually fine) even though I have a 750 Ti that can play much better looking games at 60fps like rocket league and PVZ Garden Warfare.I used SEUS. Continuum Sharers made it basically unplayable though they did look nice.


    I don't play Minecraft much any more but if someone wants me to join them I'll do it.
