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  1. I bet it might get weird in terms of sponsors and what not. Emulators are legal, but ripping games onto a computer is a little more grey. Not everyone would want to be associated with that.
  2. A pump will die eventually, I don't have statistics but I feel like they would die faster than a fan would. I've yet to ever have a fan actually die on me, or have thermal paste dry out (I'm also not pushing crazy overclocks though). You have to dust your case out no matter what, regardless of your cooler choice.
  3. Are they paying you guys enough for this? Would you make more money through vessel than a service like Paetron or pimping your own contribute thing more?
  4. 1atepizza https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/Yj4PbcgKj
  5. It might be FiveFour, they have some bad reivews, but I tried them with Linus' code without a problem. The clothes aren't very good quality, not worth the price. Just had to call them to cancel since they don't let you do it through their web page.
  6. I like the part where the phone shoots out LAZERS to auto focus.