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I bought myself a much better tripod yesterday.

It's "used" but the guy barely ever used it. he was selling for 75$

Me : "can you go down on the price a bit ?"
Him : "You student ? (he's an old chinese man that barely spoke either french or english lol)
Me : "Yes"
Him : "Have it for 50 !"

Uhh.. ok xD 

  1. vanished


    What would you guess it was worth new?  Like, was this an amazing deal on good equipment or just something that works for now?

  2. givingtnt


    I could get a similar tripod for around 150$+


    It's a very good deal

  3. vanished


    Decent enough then for sure, enjoy :)

    I heard the phrase once "a good tripod is for life, not just for christmas" though and I think that's really true of not only a tripod but a lot of things.  An expensive one will really hurt at the time, but when it's a pleasure to use and lasts decades it'll be worth it in the end.  Suffering with a subpar experience and making frequent incremental upgrades can end up costing the same in the end without giving the same benefits.  I haven't personally experienced that - we have only ever had one and got a much nicer one a while back, and that's been it - but even with that, and having stayed with the crap one for so long, I really feel what I'm saying :P
