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Everything posted by Novistion

  1. I'd go for this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/636BdC
  2. Nice thread man. I got a Mac OS cursor theme going on my computer.
  3. This is what I use in cheap client builds: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139975&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
  4. Personally I use 8 gigs a lot, and I think it is a good middle ground. 4 gigs is not enough at all 8 is perfect and 16 is too much imho. But if you are going to doing stuff (streaming) or if you have dual monitors and want something to run in the background (ie twitter, afterburner etc.) and if you have the budget go for 16, you won't have to worry about upgrading.
  5. That would be a pointless video because everyone has different tastes in sound signature, and because our ears adapt to the headphone we are listening too. It be like comparing a banana to another more pricey banana. Still a banana, food.
  6. I don't care much about that but we are getting it mid next month for sure
  7. I think it's the best phone ever. Just look at the attached file
  8. When It restarted the couple of times were there any post codes on the mobo (I don't know if yours has one)
  9. So yesterday I was showing my cousin "Hello World" in Virtual Studio and when I compiled it and run it, My computer crashed. I was working on something else and I didn't know I had put my phone on my keyboard which hit enter, so I had though I had opened a new window. I found out that I kept trying to run "Hello World" before my other one, and it didn't like that so they kept opening over each other. My computer did that 11298 times before it crash. Yay computer science!! I'm a noob Anyone had any programming fails?
  10. You'll be fine man, I have the 2320 and it runs it fine. So you should be fine as long as you're running at <= 1080p
  11. Make sure all updates and drivers are good. @X_Rated_Box
  12. More PCI bandwith is needed for SLI the cheaper boards don't have it because it is more expensive.
  13. Haha! Have a stop sign on the USB.. "Before use, make sure to remove all other cable from monitor" Waaat..
  14. Yeah, it could be nice though. A VGA cable with a build in usb cable that comes out on the end that goes to the computer
  15. It is a pain in the butt. And if you don't do it right, you can mess up the CPU don't do it. However it is possible to do.
  16. Have the Razer logo on the top of it. I get and Razer H440 and two of those and put in there spots. Ahhhh. Me want!
  17. Hmmm. I would think it would just be the display signal because VGA is analog.. maybe there is. Razer can make one and surprise us
  18. Then I can get one of those to put on the back of my pc at work, my question is, how would they get power to that...?
  19. Go for the cheaper one, all of those are great coolers, all run cooler and have fan off at idle, just have different clocks, but the kinpin will overclock more if that is something you want to get into
  20. Check extensions and re-install. If not Firefox is a good but I have never had problems with Chrome taking up memory Edit: Use that beta version of it continues after reinstall, Beta has been working to get memory usage down, but on some it highers it.. so also if you're using beta, don't. Hope this helps