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  1. DrMacintosh


    Fixed before anyone knew. All this media attention is great for Apple. Nobody hears about these things and they get patched before anyone is the wiser. 


    Its free security testing! The whole internet can find the holes in the wall better than Apple’s team alone can. 

  2. 79wjd


    The vulnerability was fixed before it was released....that doesn't mean malicious users didn't discover and use it on their own earlier. And if crowd sourcing beta testing worked so well then there wouldn't be a rise in the number of bugs that Apple has had to deal with this year. 

  3. DrMacintosh


    As Apple does more, the amount of bugs people fine will increase. 


    And as far as I could tell nobody used this. And really, just bring yourself back a bit. 


    How high tech do you think most robbers are? Or even pranksters? This bug was patched before those people even knew about this. 


    It does not excuse the bug but it does slap reality onto those who might want to write an article on it.

  4. 79wjd


    How could you possibly know that no one has used this exploit.....did you call every police department in the world and look into every unexplained case, did you contact every iOS 11 homekit user? There's literally no way you can possibly assume no one used this exploit.


    A lot of robbers might be stupid, but certainly not all of them.

  5. DrMacintosh


    Actually there is a very valid way I know that nobody used this exploit. 


    Nobody knew about it until it was already being patched. 

  6. 79wjd


    So if I'm a criminal and I break into a few houses using this exploit, that's going to magically appear on the news? Someone has to first figure out that I used the exploit in that criminal act (and there's a very good chance no one would even look into that). Most robberies don't get that much attention. 

  7. DrMacintosh


    Well one, you would have had to find this exploit, figure out how to do it, guess what people have Home-Kit setup for locks and stuff, plan your robbery, then actually do it. 


    And if you managed to do that congratulations, maybe you can work prison IT. 
