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It's nice that taxes went up for me this year. I actually owed money. 

  1. DrMacintosh


    GG get rekt, "tax breaks for the middle class" am I right? 

  2. Syntaxvgm


    yah, they doubled the minimum deduction, but they did away with personal exemptions, so they could claim it's a tax cut but not really. I set up my withholding to be tax neutral so I make more but don't get a return, the only time it screws me is if they decide to change what they're going to tax you for mid year like they did in 2018. 

    They basically raised taxes retroactively, in a way. 

  3. dizmo



    Don't you sell stuff online? Really, your tax bill should always be $0. Unless you're having an extremely successful year sales wise.

  4. Syntaxvgm


    No, I work, selling stuff online is side money, and I really didn't as much in 2018 

  5. dizmo


    @Syntaxvgm Side money should still be claimed, technically ;)

  6. Syntaxvgm


    @dizmo I did. I'm talking about the part I owed due the tax increase, not that part. I expected that part.

  7. Jtalk4456


    i lost about 3K from what I expected based on an extrapolation from the last few years. Part of this was the new tax rules reducing what I got back, but about half was I made more and got out of the bracket that gets the Earned Income Credit. 
