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Overclocked my CPU 8MB cache to 20gigs and installed Windows 7 on it. Boot time is now 0.3 seconds.

  1. WunderWuffle
  2. h264


    I just overclocked my headphones and unicorns jumped out of the cups and we went for a ride across the butterfly plains. Frequency response is now perfect. There is however, some sibilance. I should try rolling a different Op-Amp...

  3. Alex(PlayMedium)


    sweet how did you make the cache visible in the windows installation? the CPU cache is usually not visible to the system :P

  4. Hyydrah


    I downclocked Linus, causing him to get burned more than usual today. Tomorrow his voltage should be lowered to aid with the burns.

  5. t0wer


    I overclocked my paintball marker, and the other team was out before the game started.

  6. M-ursu


    Or just log in to that Paintball markers ISP.

  7. LapX


    I downclocked my sister so she will whine a little less.
