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Everything posted by DtrollMC

  1. I don't think it would repeat after a day. System time records the DATE and TIME, using both would constantly give new numbers.
  2. The button only has the number on it, because thats what you told it to contain. myMessage.setText(Integer.toString(myrand)); If myRand is say, 4, then the myMessage component's text will say "4"
  3. I can't really understand what you're saying, sorry dude. To set the text of a label, call the function setText(String text) on your button object.
  4. From what I understand, you're generating a random number between 1-50 (or 0 and 50, not too sure..), and then running a switch statement from that random number. It looks to me like you want to write "test#" (where # is the generated number) on a label, but a switch statement is not the right thing to use here. You can simply do this: System.out.println("test" + myRand); Overall this code doesn't really make any sense. The ActionEvent parameter is never used in the function either, which leads me to believe you're going about handling listeners incorrectly.
  5. Downgrading the res worked. I alt-tabbed to windows settings, went to 1280x720, alt-tabbed back, it was fixed. Changed in-game res to 720, then reset the windows res back to 1080. Cheers spoon!
  6. Or the actual exception that's being thrown.
  7. Well AFAIK, int does not have a method contains(...) so if rayonRange is an int, there's no way to see what it contains since it's just a primitive int. It would help if you told me what the if statement SHOULD be.
  8. I was just about to post the same thing *crying emoji*
  9. No idea why you think that, since PHP is older than Java. Spring MVC is one of the most popular web dev frameworks rn.
  10. I don't see why there wouldn't be a way to link the domain to that IP. Just seems to me like there are FAR easier ways to go about what you seem to be doing.
  11. Why don't you wanna install Plex..? Seems like by far the easiest way to do this.
  12. Shame! All of my monitors are at my parents house, I wouldn't even really have room for one until I move into my new apartment. I'll check out the TV settings and see what I can do though! Really miss this game! And I'll def check out the discord!
  13. Sorry for the late reply Btw, never got notified!
  14. I know my RAM is not up to snuff, as I only have 8GB and always get the message saying to get more. As for everything else; CPU - Intel i5 6600 GPU - ASUS GTX 970 Strix Monitor - Westinghouse TV, resolution of 1920x1080. I do notice that the TV flashes and tells me it's running in 1080i when the game launches tho. Perhaps that is something to do with it?
  15. I was thinking about this exact thing today. Now if only Microsoft would work to improve SnippingTool
  16. Hey all! So I just got my desktop running up again, and I'm ready to play some demanding games. So I download Star Citizen, get it running, when a third of the screen is cut off. Has anyone else experienced this? It is cut off in such a way that I'm unable to change any graphical settings in-game. Ironically, printscreen does not capture the issue.
  17. It just says NVidia Geforce GPU. Even GPU-z just says "NVIDIA Geforce GPU". I've had a lot of issues with the dGPU in this laptop, it only seems to work half the time. I'm atleast glad it seems they've fixed that in the next version.
  18. Wow I'm amazed Windows tells you what GPU model you have. I literally cannot find any info on what GPU is in my OG surface book.
  19. None of those things seem too interesting to me lol I've been working on a simple guilib in the meantime
  20. I've been meaning to learn C#... If the project is interesting enough you may convince me
  21. I'll explain it from a higher level of abstraction so hopefully you can actually understand what you're doing here. You have an array called highscore. It is important to know that this is an array, and not a list, set, collection, etc. In python (and many other languages) you can use indexing to access data within the array. As others have mentioned, arrays start counting at 0. So in the first line of code, you're calling the print function to print whatever data is in the 4th 'slot' in the highscores array. We don't know the contents of the array, so it could be numbers, strings, objects, or a mixture of data. So the next line could do a few different things. If the data in the first and fifth slots are numbers, the result of the substraction will be printed. If they are of different types, and an operation is not defined for substraction you will get a TypeError. Edit:: It's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different data structures (Array, List, Set) as they appear in many languages, and their operations are usually very similar / the same across languages.
  22. The game is rife with bugs that remain unfixed to this day. There is only one voice actor in the entire game. Very simple combat and AI. Bad level scaling. There are many games out there that are executed far more beautifully.
  23. Skyrim is a good game, don't get me wrong. I have 1000+ hours logged on many different platforms. But it has a ton of problems and I would never consider it the 'best game in modern gaming' by a fucking longshot.