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  1. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y740d9d3.aspx
  2. start(){ remove(max(root), root); remove(max(root), root); } remove (String key, node position) { if(root == null) return; if(position.key > key){ remove(key, position.left); //keep searching for key node on left } else { if(position.key < key){ remove(key, position.right); //keep searching for key node on right } else { if (position.left != null && position.right != null) { next_max_node = max(position.right); position.key = next_max_node.key; remove (next_max_node.key, position.right); //next goes onto remove next_max_node value } else if(position.left != null) { position = position.left; } else if(position.right != null) { position = position.right; } else { position = null; } } } } max(node) { maxnode = node; while(maxnode.right != null){ maxnode = maxnode.right; } return maxnode; }
  3. You can make the variable static, that would keep the variable reference the same between different instances of form1.
  4. what do you mean u don't have a stream of data?
  5. How do you even find anything with a 100 tabs
  6. P4ZD4

    SQL question

    Since its 30 for every additional hour it should be like this? CASE WHEN EstHours = 1 THEN EstHours * 70 ELSE 70 + (30 * (EstHours - 1)) Also can just have 70 instead of EstHours * 70
  7. Its a if/else shorthand using ternary operators (statement) ? (statement true value) : (statement false value)
  8. There's enough AMD leaks to create a new forum section
  9. You're still in school i presume?
  10. How long are you planning on keeping this up?
  11. Yeah, most of today's games aren't very "logically demanding" and most resources go into making the game look better.
  12. I think this is giving OP the impression developers do nothing