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Bought a lot of stationery stuff the other day , afterwards completely reorganized my desk. at-least it looks good now.  #StudyDeskDefragmentation

  1. soldier_ph
  2. Tech_Dreamer


    i cant even buy a good GPU now, let alone an updesk. but if i did have an option to buy one i'd prefer not to, because i liketo comfortably sit when i'm reading something, even though i am aware of the ill effects for doing that for long hours. i hate standing or  walking around the room to read something.

  3. Tech_Dreamer


    yes & no, i dont like really thin shaped pens. The only 'expensive' thing i got was a fountain pen i picked up for no reason, literally picked it up because it looked pretty. rest of em were just cheap stuff like a big handful of 0.5 gel & regular bundled set of roller ball ones, couple of sharpies & color pencils.  i'm trying out this binder organization method some of the A level people use to review stuff, so bought this set of ring binders & another set of color binders with regular clamp kinda holder on the inside.3 bundles of printer paper mostly for writing.
