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just for lols , do you have a GF or a BF right now? reply down without giving detail, just a yes or a no.

  1. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    ___i have a GF
    FIll in the blanks. Yes, No, Maybe. 

  2. Subway
  3. TVwazhere


    Does my Computer and/or Car count? If not, then no.

  4. Tech_Dreamer


    This valentines day's gonna be fun!


    @Subway  : Don't we all? 285-2854785_feelings-reaction-frog-meme-cry-tears-freetoedit-smiling-crying-pepe.png

  5. Subway


    @Tech_Dreamer Not all of us have a best friend 


    Forever Alone army is now recruiting forever alone citizens to join the army! 


  6. LukeSavenije
  7. Nowak
  8. Origami Cactus