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I'm curious.


Can anyone linked up with the LGBTQ community honestly tell me it hasn't, at least on social media, become as toxic and cultish as the people it claims to hate or be oppressed by?


To clarify:


My only problem with ANYONE in the LGBTQ community is their assault on privately held businesses or religious institutions. I am an atheist that has grown up in the south, but I still find a way to respect the beliefs of those who are religious, be they buddhist, christian, jewish, and even islamic. Despite me having serious problems with some of those religions, I still try to see some good they do society in their beliefs. Particularly, I share a lot of the values of christian families because I feel they are a net benefit to society (emphasis on respect, politeness, family, etc.).


My example would be a christian wedding cake baker not wanting to be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding.


1. that's their private business, and

2. that's their religious right to not be involved in something that they see as counter to their religion. The way I see it, if they say simply "I don't want to be involved" that's different than them trying to prevent the wedding from occurring in the first place. You are free to find a baker willing to participate, which I doubt you'd have trouble doing.


Another example would be a church refusing to officiate a gay wedding. That's their right under freedom of religion. If you want further context, compare it to an Islamic mosque.


My other big problem is the trans community, in their stance towards language. If I knew a trans person, personally, (I don't), and they said to me "I am a male that wants to live as a woman, please use female pronouns when you refer to me" I'd be willing to do so. The problem I have is when they say "I am a woman, you HAVE to use female pronouns when referring to me".


One is a request with a sane statement behind it, the other is a demand or proclamation that is not only not backed up by science, but is actually contrary to all biological science.


Again, I'm an atheist conservative that grew up in the south. I would prefer the term classical liberal, because while I believe the tradition nuclear family is the strongest foundation for a society, and that speech and right to bear arms are the two most important rights and group of people can have, I am willing to discuss other ideas and beliefs. My regards towards government is "as limited as possible".


Go get a job supporting a local governmental body like doing tech support for your school systems, and you'll understand quite quickly why government should be as limited and tightly controlled as possible. Government is always the worst solution to any problem, in my opinion.


I'm drunk, might respond sparingly to this tonight because I have to be up at 4am to drive 400+ miles to deliver laptops to a school system, then drive all the way home again. Hooray IT work.

  1. Tech_Dreamer


    meh, i think it's not the communities problem but the few arrogant vocal activists withing the communities that gets carried away talking on someones behalf.  like those teenagers who talk too loud to grab attention & not talking to make sense.

  2. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    I’m one of the rare gay libertarians here who genuinely dislikes when the community just dogpiles on when a private business does their shit their way. Guess what with the cake thing? There’s many cake shops in the area that’ll take care of what you want them to take care of that don’t have particular religious beliefs they hold.

    I especially don’t appreciate when the community forces those who hold religiously conflicting beliefs to wed them and their S/O together. I’m a very firm believer in civil unions for this very reason, because I give a damn about religious beliefs. 

    Unfortunately, a massive chunk of the LGBT+ community is a massive cult that only wants someone to believe what they believe in, rather than accepting that, hey, people have different beliefs. 

    For reference of my beliefs, I was raised in a decently conservative Mexican family in Southern California.

  3. dizmo


    You can bet your ass that Christian baker would be up in arms if they went somewhere and they were refused service because they're Christian.

    It's no different with how you associate your sexuality.

    In specific terms of the baker, refusing that is just poor business. Nothing more.


    Christianity, in reality, was made to help society move forward amicably. That's why a lot of the commandments exist. It's also largely why most religions were started, if not for personal gain of the person or group that designed it.


    Agree about the trans thing, though you seem to have an issue with separating the physical from the mental reality (to them). I do, however, find it odd that it's only now this is popping up. Times change and we advance medically, I suppose. The worst is when it's a kid saying they're the opposite sex and the parents just go along with it...they're too young to really comprehend that, I think. After all, one of my friends used to think he was a cat. He has since grown up into a helicopter gunship.


    @Tech_Dreamer Got a bit of a thing for Janice? ;)





  4. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    i've talked about this before but LGBTQ are thier own enemy. they attack their own people more than others. its getting incredibly hard to justify every time they get fake outraged for nothing, attacking their own allies for talking sense. and don't even get me started on white knighting. they're even worse. 

    that being said saying i won't do weeding cakes is same as saying i won't do cake because you're black, no matter how you twist your words.

  5. Tech_Dreamer


    Either You're with us or against us. :ph34r:
